Recent content by Brov

  1. Brov

    havent been staying on top of things; can f2ps get HoA? If so how

    havent been staying on top of things; can f2ps get HoA? If so how
  2. Brov

    WTB Unearthed Bands (Monkey, Agility, Tiger, Bear, Str, or Power)

    I'm stalagg but I was debating pulling the trigger on transferring to thunderfury anyways since stalagg is dead af and I wanted to get back on classic; pm meee
  3. Brov

    Classic WoW 39 Elemental Shaman Twink Woodzymate Video

    I was thinking about coming back to classic to make a 39 cus videos like this are absurd and awesome to watch. Are rogues and/or hunters near this level of OP? If so which one should I roll? Sorry in advance if this isnt the place to post this stuff also wondering if bushmaster is worth 100g
  4. Brov

    EU+US What is your F2P's "Oldest" achievement?

    98% sure we leveled together, ik i met mindy for the first time lvling in duskwood the day after
  5. Brov

    Thread for US Morons to Bitch about the opposing faction.

    Stalagg is a joke, my main is there and I'm contemplating transferring so the wpvp on my twinks isn't non existent. (horde)
  6. Brov

    Thread for US Morons to Bitch about the opposing faction.

    some1 level to 39 for me cus I wanna playyyy
  7. Brov


  8. Brov

    hunt 39 rogue 29 or hunt 29 rogue 39 (classic)

    hunt 39 rogue 29 or hunt 29 rogue 39 (classic)
  9. Brov

    Top 5 Rap artists

    doom/kendrick/redman/yasiin/rza in no particular order
  10. Brov

    To all my Priest mains, what talents are you running and why?

    does renew talent only increase base healing or does it factor in +healing?
  11. Brov

    Shadowforge Bushmaster

    buy them alllllllllllllll
  12. Brov

    EU+US so this just happened

    throwback to when I got mine for two stacks of cobalt during the north eng bug craze
  13. Brov

    Your best AH or loot finds?

    unearthed bands of the monkey 5g
  14. Brov

    Shaman 39 Build Around PoD ?

    psure agi doesnt give ap, just crit etc
  15. Brov

    Shaman 39 Build Around PoD ?

    this is basically what im doing w/ a SoJ cus im never getting a PoD D: