I'm stalagg but I was debating pulling the trigger on transferring to thunderfury anyways since stalagg is dead af and I wanted to get back on classic; pm meee
I was thinking about coming back to classic to make a 39 cus videos like this are absurd and awesome to watch. Are rogues and/or hunters near this level of OP? If so which one should I roll? Sorry in advance if this isnt the place to post this stuff
also wondering if bushmaster is worth 100g
Hey all I was wondering if someone could help me list the most popular BoE twinking items for the 19 bracket so I can get their item IDs?
If you have any knowledge regarding 29 and 39 as well that would be greatly appreciated!
quick mafs
d1 = 6 possible rolls
d2 = 6 possible rolls
36 possible rolls total
6/1 5/2 4/3 3/4 2/5 1/6 = 6 chances to get 7, 30/36 chances to not get
those odds 18 times = 30/36^18 and idk that number but that's what it is I THINK QUICK MAFS