Recent content by Behindew

  1. Behindew

    Once you went twink how did you ever go back to a max level toon?

    There is a bunch of big brains in this bracket. Some of the nuttiest theory crafting I have seen. Aka (Zazzyfraz/Paigexd). It's very appealing to see people like them run around with all these items that make me go "wtf, how does this guy have this." I believe this is what a lot of people are...
  2. Behindew

    miss you all

    The forums used to be spicy and actually had to be moderated. All the good/competitive players left the bracket or quit, so I've heard, maybe minus a couple. 5 versions of WoW out and everybody has their slice. Games dead and I have not twinked in almost several years. RIP.
  3. Behindew

    Best of 20s US

    The only thing you need to quit is eating Mcdonald's.
  4. Behindew

    gaspedal made it fellas

    rank 1 solo shuffle blitz and rank 1 solo shuffle 3v3. all the sweat in the twinking bracket payed off. no ragrets
  5. Behindew

    who is the most og and oldest xpoff player in this twink community?

    TWINKING IS DEAD. 95 PERCENT OF THE GOOD PLAYERS WHO MADE THE BRACKETS COMPETITIVE HAVE MOVED ON. Also, why do you have a curtain rod above blinds without curtains? And fix your fucking blinds. They are practically yellow now. I can smell the sweat stains on them from being so salty about being...
  6. Behindew

    How do you pass your time

    in my spare time, i tell NEON to keep the shirt on in his profile pictures. grody.
  7. Behindew

    WoW - Speed Twink (Video)

    when goldshire triathlons are the only real way to play a 39 anymore, RIP :PagChomp:
  8. Behindew


    Youre saying a 20 monk without karma is still the same as a 29 monk with karma. You're a fucking moron. Still and always. In every thread. Who cares if mage pumps. This dude is free casting on plebs running around standing there with zerker and saltwaters.
  9. Behindew


    Okay, because the legend is back, you must now create a brewmaster monk with the super saiyan music again and high edits. Kthanks. #besttwinkmontagesNA
  10. Behindew


    Why didnt you post this on the gucciglad youtube? Am i missing something?
  11. Behindew

    Queues alread 9m long and growing :/

    You clearly have afked out of more matches than anyone judging by the bullshit that spews out of your mouth here. Windwalker and Ret are S tier just as well as Sub Rogue. Just because you can't put another 5 keybindings on your interface doesn't mean the other specs are "as bad as the 20s versus...
  12. Behindew

    Items available to 29 but not 20.

    Where is that banner of victory from?
  13. Behindew

    Ques Merged... kinda

    You get 1 shot at level 20 by hunters and you will get 1 shot at 29 by hunters. Whats the difference pal? Do you think outside of the box at all? Can you put 2 and 2 together or should I spell it out for you.
  14. Behindew

    Ques Merged... kinda

    so 27-29 twinks are now equivalent of 20 twink hunters. Who gives a fuck. Still shitting on these noobs either way. I've seen several 27-29 premades get shit on today. It actually gives the hunters a challenge now, and makes the bracket more balanced IMO.
  15. Behindew

    "Your game of the week" thread.

    Keep queing 3 hunters 2 healers. Makes the games interesting. Thanks