Azeroh Jun 6, 2023 wargame with only f2p accounts, no sub account involved inviting ppl. something 2 do with exiles reach
wargame with only f2p accounts, no sub account involved inviting ppl. something 2 do with exiles reach
Azeroh Apr 26, 2023
Azeroh Mar 10, 2023 livestreams on the front page looking nice, color separation of the different elements (livestreamer, stream name, different livestream) would make it just that tiny bit better but I like the idea and think it's implemented well
livestreams on the front page looking nice, color separation of the different elements (livestreamer, stream name, different livestream) would make it just that tiny bit better but I like the idea and think it's implemented well
Azeroh Mar 10, 2023 last run was invalid, this run is better + its druid