Anyone knows how do I add my twinks' armory under my profile like everyone else? Snooping around the about me settings and I'm as lost as Lana Rhoads' son during Father's day.
I've encountered 2 11s Warriors running amok in TW. Suffice to say, it's comedic seeing them eat each other during the Strathholme possession boss mechanic. Killed one of them with Chaos Bolt for shits and giggles.
I shall ascend and pay gametime. I am now going to be a Vet soonage. I bid f2p nature a farewell and fuck you for giving me herculean tasks in my decade long twinking.
Whoever thought making The Ring of Law in BRD an rngfest, waiting for the right boss to spawn after weeks of doing it only to not drop jack shit, a special place in hell awaits your scrawny mcguffin ass