US 10s and 19s. Just get along.

Why is it that tens are bad I still don't see an explanation of how they aren't good like explain this to me if a 19 is superior then why do I beat almost every 19 I see while on my lvl 10 warrior.....
Why is it that tens are bad I still don't see an explanation of how they aren't good like explain this to me if a 19 is superior then why do I beat almost every 19 I see while on my lvl 10 warrior.....
Retard scaling outside of BGs.
moron scaling outside of BGs.
Still don't see how 19s are better than 10s tho I'm not against 19s I'm just against the idiots who act like jerks and think they are the only twinking lvl in the game that matters if they don't want competition go play on horde side 40-49 bracket cause that's dead XD
Still don't see how 19s are better than 10s tho I'm not against 19s I'm just against the idiots who act like jerks and think they are the only twinking lvl in the game that matters if they don't want competition go play on horde side 40-49 bracket cause that's dead XD
I didnt say that 19s was better then 10s or the other way around. Fact still remains 10s lack key abilites for their class which made them prior to legion take up a player slot that could have been filled by a geared 19 that would have been way more useful.

Sure this isnt relevant anymore due to that we got put back with levelers.
Go 19 or dont que BGs with your 10 your just a burden.
Why are you arguing with a jaja?? Look at his tauren lmao i honestly cant take these 10s seriously go make a thread about ur mog and stop posting here for once
Why is it that tens are bad I still don't see an explanation of how they aren't good like explain this to me if a 19 is superior then why do I beat almost every 19 I see while on my lvl 10 warrior.....
trust me you probably arent beating the people who dont like 10s. unless you were playing a pre nerf lvl 10 disc and happened to 1v1 some rando 19 in mid but everyone with a brain had enough sense not to 1v1 a 10 disc after the first few days of prepatch anyway

oh also @lvl 10s who think u can beat 19s
lets premade 10 level 10s vs 10 level 19s :)
it's been like this from the start, 10s always get kicked in Cata/Mop/Wod because simply they all suck, and this is too much to ask for when there is a few morons like @DeLindsay and @Maestus
levels 10s never been relevant bruh, the best lvl 10 discs right now are 19s or people trolling from endgame. the 10 bracket always just consisted of achivement fags or other bracket rejects.
Just because they were relevant to you doesn't mean they were ever relevant.
No one gave a rats ass when you had Formal Dangui with crazy resilience numbers, and no one gives a rats ass now.
Rest in piss
Everyone's tired of 10s in general. Go 19 or go 100.
Go 19 or dont que BGs with your 10 your just a burden.

I am a player who loves to make twinks and has casually visited XPOff (and TI) for several years. I have both 10s and 19s, so I would like to think that I come from a pretty unbiased perspective on the 10s vs 19s issue. @Laurenti started this thread in an attempt to get 10s and 19s to stop fighting, and I would like that as well. I think it is childish and pointless. No one (10s or 19s) is going to change their view on this issue so just drop it. As others have said, LET PEOPLE PLAY THE GAME THE WAY THEY WANT.

That being said, all of the posts I quoted were unwarranted attacks BY 19s players AGAINST 10s players. I did not see any posts by 10s calling 19s morons or telling them not to play their twinks. I mean, sure, I don't think 10s players are acting like angels or anything, but most of what I've seen has been them posting in defense of themselves. I don't think I've ever seen a 10s player post anything along the lines of "@19s, don't play your twinks," but I've seen countless 19s players attack 10s players in this way, and definitely not in this thread alone, I've seen dozens of posts by 19s players in dozens of different threads in which they viciously attack 10s players. And, frankly, seeing how what seems to be most of the 19 twinking community, or at least the majority of people that represent 19s on these forums, treats the 10 twinking community, makes me want to exclusively role 10s from now on. And to those 19s who are going to post something along the lines of "We didn't want you anyway," I'm surely not the only person who comes onto these forums, reads this stuff, and is turned away from rolling 19s. So stop. It makes you all look like asses.

TL;DR @19s stop acting like elitist jerks or no new twink players are ever going to want to join the 19 twinking community.
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I am a player who loves to make twinks and has casually visited XPOff (and TI) for several years. I have both 10s and 19s, so I would like to think that I come from a pretty unbiased perspective on the 10s vs 19s issue. @Laurenti started this thread in an attempt to get 10s and 19s to stop fighting, and I would like that as well. I think it is childish and pointless. No one (10s or 19s) is going to change their view on this issue so just drop it. As others have said, LET PEOPLE PLAY THE GAME THE WAY THEY WANT.

That being said, all of the posts I quoted were unwarranted attacks BY 19s players AGAINST 10s players. I did not see any posts by 10s calling 19s morons or telling them not to play their twinks. I mean, sure, I don't think 10s players are acting like angels or anything, but most of what I've seen has been them posting in defense of themselves. I don't think I've ever seen a 10s player post anything along the lines of "@19s, don't play your twinks," but I've seen countless 19s players attack 10s players in this way, and definitely not in this thread alone, I've seen dozens of posts by 19s players in dozens of different threads in which they viciously attack 10s players. And, frankly, seeing how what seems to be most of the 19 twinking community, or at least the majority of people that represent 19s on these forums, treats the 10 twinking community, makes me want to exclusively role 10s from now on. And to those 19s who are going to post something along the lines of "We didn't want you anyway," I'm surely not the only person who comes onto these forums, reads this stuff, and is turned away from rolling 19s. So stop. It makes you all look like asses.

TL;DR @19s stop acting like elitist jerks or no new twink players are ever going to want to join the 19 twinking community.

I wish that I could upvote this multiple times. You basically summarized the egotistical attitude that many 19 users have in your TL;DR. I personally have friends that tink, but stay completely away from this toxic forum. It is a very ugly thing for newcomers to see as the forum presence of the bracket when they first visit, and luckily there are also other positive forum presences in the bracket. Not everyone in the bracket acts in this immature manner; however, every community has its egotistical ducks.
I wish that I could upvote this multiple times. You basically summarized the egotistical attitude that many 19 users have in your TL;DR. I personally have friends that tink, but stay completely away from this toxic forum. It is a very ugly thing for newcomers to see as the forum presence of the bracket when they first visit, and luckily there are also other positive forum presences in the bracket. Not everyone in the bracket acts in this immature manner; however, every community has its egotistical ducks.
Yes, it is a very ugly thing for newcomers to see, which is why in the years I've visited these forums I never posted. I only came for the info. I too have friends that tink but stay away from the forums. It really is a sad thing to see because these forums have the potential to be a great place to discuss tinking and share info in a more positive and kind manner. Alas, the internet will be the internet. :(
I am a player who loves to make twinks and has casually visited XPOff (and TI) for several years. I have both 10s and 19s, so I would like to think that I come from a pretty unbiased perspective on the 10s vs 19s issue. @Laurenti started this thread in an attempt to get 10s and 19s to stop fighting, and I would like that as well. I think it is childish and pointless. No one (10s or 19s) is going to change their view on this issue so just drop it. As others have said, LET PEOPLE PLAY THE GAME THE WAY THEY WANT.

That being said, all of the posts I quoted were unwarranted attacks BY 19s players AGAINST 10s players. I did not see any posts by 10s calling 19s morons or telling them not to play their twinks. I mean, sure, I don't think 10s players are acting like angels or anything, but most of what I've seen has been them posting in defense of themselves. I don't think I've ever seen a 10s player post anything along the lines of "@19s, don't play your twinks," but I've seen countless 19s players attack 10s players in this way, and definitely not in this thread alone, I've seen dozens of posts by 19s players in dozens of different threads in which they viciously attack 10s players. And, frankly, seeing how what seems to be most of the 19 twinking community, or at least the majority of people that represent 19s on these forums, treats the 10 twinking community, makes me want to exclusively role 10s from now on. And to those 19s who are going to post something along the lines of "We didn't want you anyway," I'm surely not the only person who comes onto these forums, reads this stuff, and is turned away from rolling 19s. So stop. It makes you all look like asses.

TL;DR @19s stop acting like elitist jerks or no new twink players are ever going to want to join the 19 twinking community.

if u think a premade challenge is an unwarranted attack pls stick a fork in the nearest outlet thx
Yeah, my b. Quoted the wrong part of that. Allow me to change it. But I mean it still proves my point that 19s players think they are better than 10s players.

Considering none of that post is an attack u should probably look harder. Facts=/=attack
Considering none of that post is an attack u should probably look harder
I wasn't just talking about attacks, but I do now realize that I specifically called ALL of the posts unwarranted attacks. That was wrong, as upon rereading your post I realize that I had a different reason for quoting it. Please allow me to clarify.

In regards to your post, it highlighted the elitist attitude of 19s players who think they are better than 10s players. You are honestly proving my point right now by not acknowledging that the reason you challenged 10s to a 10v10 wargame is cause you are so sure that the 19s would win. I haven't seen any 10s challenging 19s to wargames. They just let them play because they see no reason to attempt to prove that they are superior. The 19s XPOff users seem to feel differently. Maybe they are insecure? Who knows?

However, I still completely removed your post from my original post. Happy?
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I wasn't just talking about attacks though. I was talking about the elitist attitude of 19s players who think they are better than 10s players. You are honestly proving my point right now by not acknowledging that the reason you challenged 10s to a 10v10 war game is cause you are so sure that the 19s would win.

And I took your post out. Happy?

Facts=elitism lol k

19s vs 10s would be a gy farm and 3cap for the 19s. After the new scaling nerf thing 10s are back to having absolutely no advantage/perk to a 19. They have way less abilities and they miss out on huge game changing buttons, it really boils down to that and the experience that's on the side of 19s. Experience is going to be huge considering few or none of the 10s have recent competitive premades (if any) under their belt. That's only thing I'll say against the people playing 10s in an effort to keep this somewhat on track

anymore I have nothing against 10s in bgs because honestly the bgs are 90% random levelers who have no clue what to do so they arent going to make games any worse
Facts=elitism lol k
Idk what "facts" you are talking about.

IF you are talking about this:
trust me you probably arent beating the people who dont like 10s. unless you were playing a pre nerf lvl 10 disc and happened to 1v1 some rando 19 in mid but everyone with a brain had enough sense not to 1v1 a 10 disc after the first few days of prepatch anyway
I meant to quote the part of your original post that I did. I just failed to mention how it was different from the other posts that were actual attacks. And as I already said, my bad. I did not mean to call these "facts" elitist at all. And tbh, they aren't facts at all. When you state a FACT, you do not use the words like "probably," "unless you...," and "happened to...". Those words imply doubt, not fact.

19s vs 10s would be a gy farm and 3cap for the 19s. After the new scaling nerf thing 10s are back to having absolutely no advantage/perk to a 19. They have way less abilities and they miss out on huge game changing buttons, it really boils down to that and the experience that's on the side of 19s. Experience is going to be huge considering few or none of the 10s have recent competitive premades (if any) under their belt. That's only thing I'll say against the people playing 10s in an effort to keep this somewhat on track
I am here to inform you that, yes, believing that 19s vs 10s "would be a gy farm and 3 cap for the 19s" and that 19s have more experience than 10s as a whole sounds pretty elitist/arrogant to me. I can't deny that 19s have more abilities, because that IS a fact, whether they are game changing depends on the class/spec. But saying that that would lead to a gy farm and 3 cap is arrogance.

And about the experience. How do you know that? As @Laurenti and I were lamenting, there are many twink players that don't even visit these forums. Sure, 10s probably don't have as much experience in the bracket, but that doesn't mean an automatic gy farm and 3 cap.

But I digress, I never intended to get into an argument about whether 10s or 19s would win in a wargame. I just came here to tell 19s players to stop hating on 10s players.
Still don't see how 19s are better than 10s tho I'm not against 19s I'm just against the idiots who act like jerks and think they are the only twinking lvl in the game that matters if they don't want competition go play on horde side 40-49 bracket cause that's dead XD

I wasn't just talking about attacks, but I do now realize that I specifically called ALL of the posts unwarranted attacks. That was wrong, as upon rereading your post I realize that I had a different reason for quoting it. Please allow me to clarify.

In regards to your post, it highlighted the elitist attitude of 19s players who think they are better than 10s players. You are honestly proving my point right now by not acknowledging that the reason you challenged 10s to a 10v10 wargame is cause you are so sure that the 19s would win. I haven't seen any 10s challenging 19s to wargames. They just let them play because they see no reason to attempt to prove that they are superior. The 19s XPOff users seem to feel differently. Maybe they are insecure? Who knows?

However, I still completely removed your post from my original post. Happy?
Shiny asked what made 19's better than 10's, Rusks suggested a 10v10 to demonstrate it
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