EU+US Gearing and playing frost mage


Hey everyone.

I usually play Rsham but wanted to try frost mage. Why ? Because it looks like it has a lot of mobility with Blink and Blazing speed while having 2 Frost nova with one from Water elemental.

I never played mage, HL or twink.

I'm trying to get stuff in the idea that :
Stam > Haste > Int > Crit > All
To have maximum health and cast speed to last longer and slow people as much and as fast as I can.

I found out that :
1 stam = 19hp
1 haste = 0,42%

Here is my armory :

What do you guys think about my stuff ? I know I'm not full BiS nor full best enchants. I am wondering if Hovel Digger Bands is not better than Cuffs of Black Elements when scaling at iLvl 24, but didn't have the chance to go into an arena or BG since I got Hovel Digger Bands.

I have +5stam waiting to be put on one of the two. I'm farming gold as much as I can without a main to afford +9 haste on both rings, and +9stam on hands (which is really expensive :eek:). I upgraded tailoring to craft my boots and got 200 First aid to use Runecloth bandages.

On my main I try to get Signet of the third fleet and Returning Champion

Also, do anyone has tips about playing frost mage at lvl 19 ? It's quite fun, but also quite hard and I often loose duel against warriors. Is that normal ? I think not...

Any advices are welcome :)
Hovel Digger Bands are 3 int 3 stam 3 haste
Cuffs of Black Elements are 4 int 4 stam
Any cloth wrists of stamina are 5 stam

As for gloves, you have 3 options:
Magefist Gloves are 6 int 3 stam
Raven's Claws are 3 int 5 stam
Imbued Disciple's Gloves are 6 stam

For leg enchants, you can use:
Sapphire Spellthread is 3 spellpower 2 stam
Ironscale Leg armor is 5 stamina 2 dodge
Get 500 leatherworking, but stay under 575 leatherworking for Heavy Leg Reinforcements (rank 2) which is 6 stamina 2 dodge

For feet, use Enchant Boots - Minor Speed. These are the ONLY boots that stack with the cloak enchant to give you 120% speed

For Chest, use Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats, it is the only chest that gives +2 stats, glorious shows +2 but gives +1

Until you get Signet of the Third Fleet, you can use Dread Pirate Ring (5 stam 3 haste 3 crit) if you want a bit more stam, or Ello's Band (5 stam 3 crit).
Thanks, it lights up some points. I'll try to determine if 1int/1stam > 3 haste IG.

For gloves, I have Gold-Flecked Gloves that gives 6int/4stam, dunno if it scales as it is iLvl 20. Raven's Claws looks like a good option too but seems to be hard to get without a main or gold.

Heavy leg Reinforcements or Ironscale Leg armor looks great, I'll try to get it.

Yes for boots I heard the one I have doesn't work, I'll try to get minor speed.

Peerless stats is quite expensive but I should be able to get it on my main.

I'll go for Ello's Band, 5stam is nice !

Thanks for the help !
For gloves, I have Gold-Flecked Gloves that gives 6int/4stam, dunno if it scales as it is iLvl 20. Raven's Claws looks like a good option too but seems to be hard to get without a main or gold.

Gold-Flecked Gloves are 7 int 5 stamina, but they can't be enchanted with 9 stamina which is why I didn't list them.
How do this 9stam works then ?

I have to give my gloves to a lvl 60+ who apply the reinforcement and then gives it back to me ?
How do this 9stam works then ?

I have to give my gloves to a lvl 60+ who apply the reinforcement and then gives it back to me ?

Yes only works with unbound items so now, to cut down the cost on your enchants buy the mats, for example peerless mats are like 100g but sell on ah for 1k
Hey looks really good so far.

Here's my 20, should be close to the same

You probably don't need cc break since you are human. Could roll int or AGM. Tenticles are an option but aren't better than int trinket when off CD.
Mindthrust are a lot of int, I might roll hovel if I was alliance though, either way. In bgs do you have that much haste or do you guys loose some? I scale down to 25% and I think it works fine. I went crit staff for a better chance for shatter. Haste starts to loose its value the higher you stack it. At 25% I think my poly is 1.3, its fast enough.

I only have 2 macros:
/cast Freeze
Cast your pet freeze

/cancelaura Ice Block
/cast Ice Block
I think that's the order, might be reversed. One button Ice Block and cancel.
Also pre patch is 1 month away, all this gear might be worthless aside from wpvp :-/

Yes I know but as I'm waiting for Legion to play HL I got nothing else to do atm :p

I have the insignia for the +7 stam, I prefer that to +6int. AGM could be really nice but it became impossible to farm and I won't try now, as you said, in 1 month it'll be useless so I won't spend that much time to get the AGM.

Thanks for the /cancelaura, I was looking for that.

Haste scales down in BGs and Arena ? Why ? I'll have to check that !

Yes only works with unbound items so now, to cut down the cost on your enchants buy the mats, for example peerless mats are like 100g but sell on ah for 1k

Good advice thanks i'll try to do that :cool:
Gear scales up but we need more haste to make a % at 29 so we effective loose a lot of secondaries. Since you are at the max level you probably won't loose anything. In which case you might want some more crit/vers. By the numbers haste is best but when I stacked it purely it just seemed very flat... Burst can be helpful in pressuring someone to do something.

Get like omni bars so you can watch everyone cast. You can do a mouse over silence but I don't. Its probably nice though. Oh and bind click to middle mouse wheel for flag returns.
I think you're right about not getting full haste. I'll try different possibilities to enjoy this maybe last month ever of
personalization in PvP...

Omni bars, i'll check that :)
Another important macro is /petfollow, as you want to keep your fragile pet close to you in most situations(he'll die very quickly otherwise with a 1min timer on resummon), maybe macro in his attack to your frost bolt or a separate key bind, and definitely keep on passive. Put him on follow when you move and he'll stop casting and move with you. An easier to hit /petmove keybind is nice if you want it a bit further from you in defense situations...

If you plan on doing arena or just want to be clutch vs a warrior or SV hunter killing your pet, a /petdismiss macro before they land the KB will stop victory rush or the SV 15% health on kill passive from proccing.

A /stopcasting line on your counterspell will make sure you don't miss those 1.1sec heals from rsham and disc. A focus counterspell(and sheep) is mandatory imo too.

Have fun with your Mage!

Oh and if you do make a one button ice block and cancel, it's super important not to mash it, or it'll be instantly gone and you probably will have just wasted a 5min cd and not had time to be healed up! I prefer separate binds just in case, since 19s have so many free slots.
Thanks for the tips. They are really useful !

I just did some maths about wrists.

One gives 4stam/4int, the other one 3stam/3int/3haste.

It's 19hp and 1,6 damage from frost bolt VS 1,26% faster cast (meaning 0,0252sec faster for frost bolt).

Going full Stam > haste > all stuff, it means I can get my frost bolt to 1,49sec cast VS 1,51sec cast depending on wrist choice. I think a duel lasts something like 30sec max, and an arena 1min max. On 1 min spamming frost bolt, I get 1 more frost bolt with that 0,02s difference. I think it's not enough to justify to loose 19hp and 1,6 damage, so i'll keep the Cuffs of black elements.
Hey I have tried to log out in a set which I think is something like you're going for:

Those gloves I'm wearing scale to 6 stamina in bg's and you can usually find them for pretty cheap on the AH (equipped those instead of magefists/raven's since you said you don't have alot of G)

Some quick tips if you find yourself pugging the class alot. If you can maintain a steady supply of then I would say pick up jewelcrafting and make a boatload of too. Combine this with you'll find your survivability will greatly increase. The reason being, the agi neck is currently bugged and can be used alongside healing potions, but more importantly, healthstones - immediately doubling your self healing capacity. It's also a stam/haste item which is pretty desirable. The stone statue's from JC probably only add around another 100ish healing over 6-10 seconds but they serve as a distraction and if someone wastes a GCD on it then you can have a chuckle!

I don't have alot of time atm, but here are some of the macros I use:

Pet Controls

Personally I like to macro /petattack /petassist in my frostbolt macro with /petfollow in my fireblast macro.

There's also the freeze macro which you already know about.
/cast Freeze

Pet Move Macro - to send your pet across map and nova people

/click PetActionButton3

Self Heal Macro - 1 button which prioritises the best self heals you have available to you currently and also uses whichever neck you decide to equip in the end! (It will also ensure you are using the bug correctly if you go with the agi neck)

/use Healthstone
/use 2
/use Healing Potion
/use Heavy Stone Statue
/use Rough Stone Statue

Will post later with my counterspell macro if you want it to CS your mouseover / target / focus target :)

HF mate
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Hey I have tried to log out in a set which I think is something like you're going for:

Thanks for that, 3K hp is a goal i'd like to reach :D

Also thanks for tips about potions and agi necklace, i'll check it out.

The gloves you have still sell for 500g on Ravencrest-EU... I could buy them, i'll see. SHE SAID SHE WAS NINETEEN, my guild on my warrior and my rsham, said they could fund me but I have no news of Zioni and the guild is quite dead :(:(

Yes I use the macro for the petattack and he is set on passive. His frost nova is already bind too.

The self heal macro is a great idea, i'll try that :)

I begin to play better, had something like 15 arena last night, was pretty fun. I won with a rogue against two feral druids :eek::eek::cool::cool:

Pugs = arena or BG ?

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