US Only 90s Kids will Remember This!


Shoutout to the good ol' days.

Good times ... :/ Long live private servers now I guess lol

I remember the first twink video I saw was a bunch of 19 twinks trying to raid Crossroads in The Barrens. Its such an old video, I'm having trouble finding it again!

And regarding the first post: Fony plays video games, takes pictures of naked bitches and plays EDM music for a living.
Sweet, last i heard of him is that it was looking like he was gonna get contracted for the drum n base music that he home made and used in his videos. Maybe that was just a myth?

He doesnt appear to be signed to any labels. His music is available for purchase, so he does make money doing his art.

He does photography, which includes naked bitches 100% of the time. I dunno what kind of photography that is, but I like it.

And yeah, he was also Vice President of Content for ZAM for a while (Wowhead, etc.) and he streams and shit.

What a life for that ugly mug.

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