US Question: Is it too late?


First post here, so thanks in advance to whomever answers my question.

I would like to create a LvL 19 twink and become apart of the community. I had a LvL 19 rogue twink in the past, back in late vanilla. I have since returned to the game and have the craving to create a new twink. My problem is that it seems as if it is too late for me, since a lot of BIS items for certain classes/specs no longer exist after recent expansions. Therefore, my question is, what class/spec is still possible for me to replicate without having to grandfather or faction change for duplicate quest rewards? I was in the process of creating a balance druid twink until I realized some of the BIS is no longer available.

Armory links are much appreciated if anyone has a twink that doesn't have any required grandfathered items. It would be a huge help if someone helped me find the best armor options for a balance druid.

Thank you gain.
Hello and welcome back! As Grandfathered can be BIS in certain Situations with certain class/spec you don't need Gf'd gear to be a twink. Yes it is insanely OG to have and helpful depending on the item but not needed. Almost all my twinks have no grandfathered gear. I love 19 twinking and would recommend you join. Balance druids are a great hybrid/ multi-use class in the Gulch they have a very strong mid presence and can do anything on the map.

Theres my Balance druid Obviously only way to get Woodworking gloves is through AH but Fine Leather gloves are an alternative. If you need any help let me know and I would be happy to help!
You can make any class/spec and gear it out with what is currently available, and be just as effective as anyone with gf'd gear. Having some of the gf'd items can help with variety and building extra sets for certain situations, but it should not deter you from rolling what you want to.
GF'd gear hardly matter. A lot of the top players in the bracket don't have any. :)
Thank you everyone for your help!

I am now currently debating whether or not I want to spend $20 for 40k gold to pimp out this toon and any future twink. My mains are on Ysondre and I can't mail any gold and my battle pets aren't selling on the AH :(
Thank you everyone for your help!

I am now currently debating whether or not I want to spend $20 for 40k gold to pimp out this toon and any future tink. My mains are on Ysondre and I can't mail any gold and my battle pets aren't selling on the AH :( take some time to make a decent application and they'll fully fund you a twink on BH horde or alliance
What class/spec is still possible for me to replicate without having to grandfather or faction change for duplicate quest rewards?

As others mentioned, you can make any class/spec with the gear that is currently available.

Armory links are much appreciated if anyone has a tink that doesn't have any required grandfathered items. It would be a huge help if someone helped me find the best armor options for a balance druid.

Practically every slot is heirloom. Most of the time a heirloom will be BiS.
As mentioned above, depending on class, spec and situation GF gear make little to no difference.
Good luck and have fun!!

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