ROFL! 2 Premades!



This first one is a simple 10 man of Alliance 29's getting shit on by 3 29's and some vets / f2p. Well played!


This second one is REALLY nice, we actually managed to get Ironman for the 2.3k hp Jaja ret pally that is my target, against Amelletta's premade of 3! ROFL (Notice he actually says "Jjajaja" while capping)

Just thought this would be appreciated by some, shoutout to Zelpher and Amelletta! Worst Hpallies N/A.
Trialkiller is like 13. So your threads dont mean shit. Also he is very skilled in the arts of afking, And then starting pointless drama and @threads, When they are Scretly not
Two things I observed.
1. Why be proud of a 1 cap win?
2. Why people allow themselves to be GY farmed is beyond me? Yet people continuously run into the opposing team like cannon fodder. That is the perfect time to go practice your jumps. You know, improve your "skills"....
That is the difference between a good player and a great one.
Any 29 team with 5 or less can easily get out comped if they're not running fotm (which it appears ameletta really wasn't at ALL MW/Plly/Hunter?) in this bracket it is EASY as fuck to be out comped, which is clearly what happened here. What it comes down to is comp and the comparison of skill level of jajas on said teams.
The first picture of the 10 29s, wel yeah, that deserved to be posted. Those guys need to /wrists
Amell sucks, Zelpher sucks and alliance premades suck. Get rekt son GG no re.

Pug Lord steady carrying Jaja's to ironman against premades.

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