Forming wargame/NWL team


Have 2/3rds - 3/4th of a team put together and looking for a few more pros to start wargaming and join next NWL season. Those that can play multiple classes preferred but open to about any class at the moment. We're horde.

I learned a few lessons when I kept a team together for a few months last year and now that I have far less time we won't make those same mistakes again. Come ready to help win and play nice with your teammates or keep it moving. Also not interested in combining with another team - too much potential for drama and that's one thing we don't need.

I'm sure this will attract some of my old fanbois so let's just proactively say go f**k yourselves and move on.

You can reach me here or bnet nasti#1809.
Honestly I think there was some bad chemistry and I was kind of holding it together through sheer willpower and interacting with people daily but I was dealing with some serious medical issues at the time and when I had to take a couple weeks off we went from 20+ on a night (weekend night, 7-10 weeknight) to 2-5. Then when I realized I had a major surgery coming in June such that I wouldn't even be able to play in cup I just became burnt out because it was a lot of effort so basically quit. Came back around new Year's.
Not looking for anything similar now - just a bunch of cool peeps that are either bad assess or willing to learn to be that want to play together. I've got plenty to work on myself, I'm rusty and actually lose more than 1% of time in 2's nowadays :)
you suck so badly
It's a sad day when all that can tell me I suck are a complete nobody and some eurotrash. I much prefer hearing it from those 1-30 against me than those 0-who cares against me.

Anyways haters refer back to my original post and let's get back on topic!
Hopefully you fill your team and get to premading. Premades usually happen after pugs stop popping so add some btags and it shouldn't be too hard to get some games
yall are noobs nasti has been twinkin since you were wearing Oshkosh and playing with little fisher toys have some respect for a veteran.

I'm ready to play nasti any class u need lemme know
Honestly I think there was some bad chemistry and I was kind of holding it together through sheer willpower and interacting with people daily but I was dealing with some serious medical issues at the time and when I had to take a couple weeks off we went from 20+ on a night (weekend night, 7-10 weeknight) to 2-5. Then when I realized I had a major surgery coming in June such that I wouldn't even be able to play in cup I just became burnt out because it was a lot of effort so basically quit. Came back around new Year's.
Not looking for anything similar now - just a bunch of cool peeps that are either bad assess or willing to learn to be that want to play together. I've got plenty to work on myself, I'm rusty and actually lose more than 1% of time in 2's nowadays :)
yall are noobs nasti has been twinkin since you were wearing Oshkosh and playing with little fisher toys have some respect for a veteran.

I'm ready to play nasti any class u need lemme know
being a veteran doesnt mean shit, nor does you vouching for him by the way

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