Normally I would not bother sharing nonsensical business with strangers. However I though I would share this as both a warning and because I you may enjoy it.
Believe it or not I was actually banned tonight on one of my accounts!
And no, it was not for botting. I was in the middle of a BG and BOOM! I was DCed. I logged and got the message that my account was banned. WTF??? I thought to myself. I checked my email, and sure enough there it was. The dreaded Blizzard email, right on time. Damn... I read it over and began laughing to myself. Someone actually reported my character's name. And that warranted a three hour ban. What a crock of sh!t!! What is worse I know exactly what how/when it happened.
I was leveling up a new MW monk in XP 10-19 so I could have the battlestandard. And my team came against a farming premade. I walked away from the rezzer and went and practiced some jumps. There were a few people on my team that were not too fond of me not getting farmed along with them.
The name of my monk you ask...
I am still surprised that Blizzard did not just ask me to change the name. I won't unless forced. If they do I will come up with something better. Like maybe "HaywoodJabloemi".
BTW, it was just three hours. I may write customer support a letter explaining how they should not treat a 1o year long multiple account holder this way. Maybe I will get something free!
Believe it or not I was actually banned tonight on one of my accounts!
And no, it was not for botting. I was in the middle of a BG and BOOM! I was DCed. I logged and got the message that my account was banned. WTF??? I thought to myself. I checked my email, and sure enough there it was. The dreaded Blizzard email, right on time. Damn... I read it over and began laughing to myself. Someone actually reported my character's name. And that warranted a three hour ban. What a crock of sh!t!! What is worse I know exactly what how/when it happened.
I was leveling up a new MW monk in XP 10-19 so I could have the battlestandard. And my team came against a farming premade. I walked away from the rezzer and went and practiced some jumps. There were a few people on my team that were not too fond of me not getting farmed along with them.
The name of my monk you ask...
a fat panda named Hughjass
I am still surprised that Blizzard did not just ask me to change the name. I won't unless forced. If they do I will come up with something better. Like maybe "HaywoodJabloemi".
BTW, it was just three hours. I may write customer support a letter explaining how they should not treat a 1o year long multiple account holder this way. Maybe I will get something free!
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