

Normally I would not bother sharing nonsensical business with strangers. However I though I would share this as both a warning and because I you may enjoy it.
Believe it or not I was actually banned tonight on one of my accounts!
And no, it was not for botting. I was in the middle of a BG and BOOM! I was DCed. I logged and got the message that my account was banned. WTF??? I thought to myself. I checked my email, and sure enough there it was. The dreaded Blizzard email, right on time. Damn... I read it over and began laughing to myself. Someone actually reported my character's name. And that warranted a three hour ban. What a crock of sh!t!! What is worse I know exactly what how/when it happened.
I was leveling up a new MW monk in XP 10-19 so I could have the battlestandard. And my team came against a farming premade. I walked away from the rezzer and went and practiced some jumps. There were a few people on my team that were not too fond of me not getting farmed along with them.
The name of my monk you ask...
a fat panda named Hughjass

I am still surprised that Blizzard did not just ask me to change the name. I won't unless forced. If they do I will come up with something better. Like maybe "HaywoodJabloemi".
BTW, it was just three hours. I may write customer support a letter explaining how they should not treat a 1o year long multiple account holder this way. Maybe I will get something free!
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Interesting how a name gets a three hour ban. I mean, three hours isn't a super big deal or anything. But still, all it would have taken is a GM initiating a chat and asking you to change your name.

That is what I don't understand.
I would have changed it had they asked me nicely. Now it is WAR! It not as if that name is bad.
Blizzard is weird anyway.. had 2 days ago my accont locked for no reason other then my gaming patron changed a little towards playing more D3 or they want to squize me more for wow? I dunno have been paying with the same bank account for 11 years now which made what blizz did a little silly, I am not surprised here with stuff like this comming from blizzard.
Actually there are many toons with that name.
That is why I had to use an alt code. Why haven't ALL 161 of them gotten bans without a warning?
I could easily easily report any name and say it is "offensive" as long as I got a few other people to agree with me. I have gotten free name changes that way. The issue I is how customer support went about doing it. I was online. A Blizzard rep could have easily whispered me. Hell, that account is paid up until 8/2016. And has been constantly active since Vanilla. How dare them...
I did not break the ToS. Hugh Jass is my name. Kek...
I did meet a guy the other day named There are 187 of those!!
I got one with that name too!!

Bottom line...
Some immature puke got upset that he was getting farmed in a lowbie BG. So he took his rage out on me for not healing him since I did not rez into their farmfest. The issue has been resolved with Blizzard just as I knew it would be.
You broke ToS. They don't really give a shit but if someone reports you they -have- to act on it.

Funny though it takes months, if not years, to react to botters. This was literally 5-6 minutes. That person could have put that report in more than 5-6 min. I was actually in the middle of the next BG when I was knocked off. And this was at peak time on a Saturday night, 11:00 CDT.
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I still have a frost mage called Blizzard for like 8 years now... bite me Blizzard.

And I totally agree.. botters running around longer then players with bad names.. and it wont get any better its disgusting!
Serious Violations

Serious violations include any names that:
Are mildly inappropriate references to human anatomy or bodily functions.
Violating any area of the policy detailed above may result in a suspension from the game.

So, again, it doesn't matter whether you think it's justified or not. Yes, it's unlikely anyone would take offense. It doesn't matter. If a couple of people report you, Blizzard must adhere to their own policy for political reasons. They can't choose not to act. The reason you got a 3 hour ban is because of this, and nothing else.

The only thing I agree with in your posts is that they should've messaged you in-game first.
You do not get directly a 3 hr ban for being reported for a name normally (yours is just way to offensive and hiding its true purpose obviously and probably not the first time you did something like this either), they force you first with a rename/name change through the character select screen and if you ignore then yes you have troubles and risking that 3hr ban without further notice by making the same offense again. Make a complaint towards blizzard if you dislike their decision, on their forums or mail them or something. I am certain you can get your 3hrs back.
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