Best of 29 list


One of these hasn't popped up in enough time for decent amounts of character ''bests'' having shifted/changed to other players since the last, whatnot and what have you...

start! been playing lots myself recently, will add my own list in new post/thread bump to put the list & list only in!

thanks for your cooperation ;P

as an extra idea, if you're someone who plays enough of both BG's & Arena, list whos the best at which role for each if you're able, but only being able to list best of for arena or BG is great & fine too, you're just not that into it.

AND please post lists relevant to activity, i got a personal relationship w/ dirtyauction and fuck with him as much as any of you, but list a paladin who actually plays for 29. Last second changed thread from US to US+EU so any of you 29 tinkers can add some of your own lists of some of Europe 29's most skilled! have fun
I don't play nearly enough as much as I should to form a opinion and I barely know what best of is anymore... skill? played games? winstreaks? talent? heh

soooo... I'm gonna do it my way and choose the ppl that pops up in my mind, ppl that I play with or against those time I actually play that stands out a little.

(Sorry if I spell name wrong and stuff and if this list is 29 only)

Warrior - Chocowlat
Paladin - Can't name one atm
Hunter - Stabilt
Rogue - No1 stood out in a while
Priest - Poon
Shaman - Zuro
Mage - Geera
Warlock - The troll russian one
Monk - Myself, Zuro if I can't pick myself
Druid - Masara

Ppl can say what they want about these lists but they always get entertaining somehow. ;)
Warrior - sum1 with caverndeeps
Paladin - undeniably the one and only pug lord
Hunter - that knewbie guy
Rogue - that 1 tauren rogue
Priest - that 1 guy who plays holy
Shaman - theyre all poop
Mage - none
Warlock - too underpowered
Monk - meh
Druid - staminaid best dressed
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I don't play nearly enough as much as I should to form a opinion and I barely know what best of is anymore... skill? played games? winstreaks? talent? heh

soooo... I'm gonna do it my way and choose the ppl that pops up in my mind, ppl that I play with or against those time I actually play that stands out a little.

(Sorry if I spell name wrong and stuff and if this list is 29 only)

Warrior - Chocowlat
Paladin - Can't name one atm
Hunter - Stabilt
Rogue - No1 stood out in a while
Priest - Poon
Shaman - Zuro
Mage - Geera
Warlock - The troll russian one
Monk - Myself, Zuro if I can't pick myself
Druid - Masara

Ppl can say what they want about these lists but they always get entertaining somehow. ;)
This list honestly made me depressed, gonna have to go to therapy for this
Imo druid barely deserves a spot as some other classes, Masara did some nice fc:ing and made me enjoy some games not too long ago. As I said, I don't play nearly enough to have a saying anyway. All the ppl I really like quit or took a break from the bracket. But eh, aren't these lists always slightly trollish anyway.
Druid: Snug, Burg, Idiote
Paladin: Daks
Monk: Snug
Warrior: Robbyjuana
Priest: Robbyjuana, Fondles
Mage: Baggedsrt, Jetlife
Rogue: Visual
Shaman: haven't seen a good 29 shaman
Warlock: haven't seen a good 29 warlock
cool lists thus far! will add my own ASAP, next couple days..

hard to really make one how i want to, thoroughly on first post without having to edit lol....
Thatguyyouno, potentially Notahealbot/Robbyjuanna, as far as active players on warrior go.
as far as non active arms warrs, Jetlife by far no debating. the once i play it per month trumps everyones performances cuz arms is too broken lol qq ifu want real talk but is what it is, lvled up the 19 arms to 29 and horde op as shit
Ret: Qleenpaperxz , runner up-> Talarac but not there yet, effective enough in bgs to be mentioned tho. Seen Qleen both bgs & arena unlike talarac
Holy: probably between Trialkiller & Txi
Mom or Rokkd lol, some strong players need to get on this classs as bm or some other innovative and very strong spec/build combination. They have interrupt, better/stronger version/alternative to mage but less fun indeed for the trained hand @ WoW, mage just 2 fun at this level with the right items & playstyle/strategy
Ijusninjadu, Visual, when not inactive Jetlife
Disc: Ssaavvee
Enhancement: Jetlife
Restoration/FC: Phrontisery -> none have been potent mid rshamans from what ive seen , just FC and phron is like the one who does it most frequently consistantly i think
Ele: Phrontisery, usually a FC as well iirc but maybe not!
frost/dps mage: Jetlife undebatably most effective
FC: Jetlife/Indica
arcane: n/a
fire: MagicBob
WW: none are doing it right for how brokenly op it is, that ive seen anyway.
BM: as much as i find bm monk skill-less and hate the class and players and everyone involved with it, including this player, Tac the bm monk (alt code on the a) or Drinker
MW: will update when i find this players name in screenshots, i vsed the mw in 3s tho
Boomkin: Idiote/Minowaman undebatably best
FC: I dont know never been a FC so its hard to truly judge, Phrontistery on his druid i think?
RDruid as heals/offdps:Minowaman undebatably best

this is the most updated close to truthful list i was able to create in the time since making this thread & playing 29 for months prior but only starting with BG's in the last week or 2, where as was queing arena nonstop in the evenings and shit on my mage in 2s for months upon months prior, sometimes ret back then but fell back from ret since making my enhance.

Will update with new better players per class/spec slot as is viewed in games until about feb 01 then due to surgery the list will not be relevant anymore because I will be taking some time off from games & not able to upkeep the # of chars I consider myself best @ nor will i be able to see whos queing in games daily and doing best..

Sincerely ya boy jetlife
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