Sorry you missed out on that I talked to her with my scottish friendswhat happened to that swedish girl that was coming to the uk, I was looking forward to telling her your online name is partygirl
Sorry you missed out on that I talked to her with my scottish friendsill make sure to prioritise you next time.
hey ask me questions, quote this post or mention me in your post so I can see it, have a nice day
wíggz - Carebears #mesikämmenbestWhat was your original in game nickname & guild called?
oh youwhats it like being a god and playing among noobs?
Texas Instrumentswhat is your favorite brand of calculator?
Texas Instruments
If only i had a licensemanual or automatic?
uncutCut or uncut?
is the muslim black? is he a thug too?A black thug and a muslim walk across the street, and, whilst crossing, a car comes out of nowhere and is about to run them over. You have to save one. Which do you save?