If both warlocks go affliction this could be really fun!
What happened to oghorn as fc
Hey [MENTION=21235]Tacowarrior[/MENTION] do you have a horde priest??
Phron signed up as shaman first and locomotor has the rdruid we just need a disc for the mirror heals on each side!
I don't have a Horde Priest. I could make a f2p restricted one over the next few days, I would just need assistance getting consumable buff items, due to time constraints.
I'm dodging I have to do sumthing irl
You cant even use consumables in wargames so i would not worry about it![]()
But having the icons missing bugs the Tacos out of me .-.
Make a macro with the icon then
With water not being able to play warlock for the alliance im hoping [MENTION=23757]Rayrayray123[/MENTION] can play lock if shifty can fc for alliance.
Other than that horde still needs a disc priest spot ( waiting on [MENTION=21235]Tacowarrior[/MENTION] 's confirmation that he can disc)
Really looking forward to these!
If I get enough free time after work tonight, I can make a Disc to play. If you wanna bench me and find someone who already has Horde Disc though, my feelings won't be hurt.
I want to be main rogue now!![]()
[MENTION=22645]Lluyd[/MENTION]kk its whoever is on and wants to play pretty much
A lot of times right when its time to play the games some people can't come anyways and changes happen but we make it work. Perk can always play xD