19 Twink Cup / Arena Tournament Ideas / Suggestions


Level 1 Hunter
Hello, first of all I would like to announce that if this is in the wrong "Section" please move it to the right section and I apologize

So, my idea is pretty plain, and probably already thought of, but, I think it would be neat to "try" to do the 19 Twink Cup and 19 Arena Tournaments with purely no BoA gear, I think it would be fun for a lot of people, to be able to grind out the gear in instances, actually try to obtain the best in slot instead of opening the heirloom tab and just equipping gear (Yes, I am aware that some pieces that are best in slot aren't BoA).

Please let me know down in the comments what you think, and if you have any ideas for this.

Thank you.
I disagree to having no BoA gear as this is not at all the issue due to everyone having everyone piece of it as is.
It also brings a reasonable balance to players with grandfathered items which can be still considered BiS in certain slots. So in other words... Just no.
I'd be game to do this. See how classes fair without their BOA, it would open our minds more to find what is BiS without BoA's. Maybe make it no enchants too.
i can see why this arguemnt may have been made when boas were actually hard to get, but now they are so damn easy to get that there really isnt an excuse..

so no, i dont agree with OP
Hasn't everyone and their grandmother had full BoA's for years now? Guess I don't see the point.
I would have applauded the effort back in WOTLK or Cata when BOAs were god mode. I mean back in WOTLK when we could throw that gladiator's shoulder inscription on that boosted all of our health pools by 300, that was pretty god mode, and in Cata, weapons were incredibly powerful. Now BOA gear is not much more powerful than our base players are due to the high burst built in to our characters already.

Back in the day you could take off boas and be 800 HP less and do absolutely horrible damage, these days BOAs make less of an impact and are more complimenting to our characters than the crutch they used to be.

Bms have a pretty broken keg smash, nelf rogues are incredibly broken, crusader swapping is broken, these are really the only issues I see with 19s right now considering the arena environment and BOAs help to reduce those effects.
I would have applauded the effort back in WOTLK or Cata when BOAs were god mode. I mean back in WOTLK when we could throw that gladiator's shoulder inscription on that boosted all of our health pools by 300, that was pretty god mode, and in Cata, weapons were incredibly powerful. Now BOA gear is not much more powerful than our base players are due to the high burst built in to our characters already.

Back in the day you could take off boas and be 800 HP less and do absolutely horrible damage, these days BOAs make less of an impact and are more complimenting to our characters than the crutch they used to be.

Bms have a pretty broken keg smash, nelf rogues are incredibly broken, crusader swapping is broken, these are really the only issues I see with 19s right now considering the arena environment and BOAs help to reduce those effects.
something i couldnt agree with more. back in the days of wrath something like this could've been an acceptable rule set. being as i didnt have all my boa's for much of wrath and would still rid of people in my way. but as of now this rule couldnt stand with how classes are and will be in the future (rip surv hunters FUCK) but yeah this now adays can and wont be a thing. </3

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