Level 1 Hunter
Hello, first of all I would like to announce that if this is in the wrong "Section" please move it to the right section and I apologize
So, my idea is pretty plain, and probably already thought of, but, I think it would be neat to "try" to do the 19 Twink Cup and 19 Arena Tournaments with purely no BoA gear, I think it would be fun for a lot of people, to be able to grind out the gear in instances, actually try to obtain the best in slot instead of opening the heirloom tab and just equipping gear (Yes, I am aware that some pieces that are best in slot aren't BoA).
Please let me know down in the comments what you think, and if you have any ideas for this.
Thank you.
So, my idea is pretty plain, and probably already thought of, but, I think it would be neat to "try" to do the 19 Twink Cup and 19 Arena Tournaments with purely no BoA gear, I think it would be fun for a lot of people, to be able to grind out the gear in instances, actually try to obtain the best in slot instead of opening the heirloom tab and just equipping gear (Yes, I am aware that some pieces that are best in slot aren't BoA).
Please let me know down in the comments what you think, and if you have any ideas for this.
Thank you.