Looking For A Warlock Senpai

Not really. Every class/spec can be helpful in different ways to your team. Depending on your abilities. You cannot play a BM monk the same way you play a destro/demo warlock.

No shit

But my point being, you can identiy the obvious difference and should know how to play it or get self taught. Its 20, its not hard
I haven't touched Demo in a long time. Iirc, it's not remotely close to Destro in burst, and most of the time, damage. Demo is really fun to play, and it usually just takes a couple days to a week to get the hang of the mechanics and playstyle.
No shit

But my point being, you can identiy the obvious difference and should know how to play it or get self taught. Its 20, its not hard

I've been playing a healer so long that playing as melee feels wrong. It's very disorientating when I cant jump around and pretend to fake cast.

For a little while I would cast hearthstone just to see if people would actually try to kick me. It was alarming how many did >.<
No shit

But my point being, you can identiy the obvious difference and should know how to play it or get self taught. Its 20, its not hard

Then why did SR win over JCM ? Did they press 1 more ability ? Nae, your argument is not valid. And Resto is asking for tips, then he will maser those tips, and transform them to Skills.

And by the time, comes positioning, which the low level brackets require you to perfect it.
Then why did SR win over JCM ? Did they press 1 more ability ? Nae, your argument is not valid. And Resto is asking for tips, then he will maser those tips, and transform them to Skills.

And by the time, comes positioning, which the low level brackets require you to perfect it.

NAR! skill ratio won with skill
hai <3
Yep, that's pretty much the kind of posts you get from Turtle it seems. *shrug*

Thus, I, Rhae, semi-evil-doer will commence the summoning of the warlocks!

*moves fingers in mock spookiness*


I summon thee: Bizarre Kiri Fael rsq Denurd sicknature Leek KainUFC

I know I've forgotten some really great locks but these are some of the best I can remember!

lol so i just read up on why ur NOT a taco.. ROFL, that is litterly the best written and most informative guide ive ever seen on TI.. Amazing.. i fell like havin tacos now....
Mouseover macros are your friend! Everything should be mouseover! ERR'TANG!

Unless you're a belf you don't have a silence but that doesn't mean you're limited to spamming fear thrice on healers thrice then shouting LOL GG before jumping away to await on diminishing returns coming to an end! This really only works if you're haste stacked, but time your fears to break a cast whenever possible. If you're halfway through a cast and they haven't begun to cast a heal, or you've seen them GCD themselves with an instant, CANCEL your cast and start again! The point when you're fearing a healer is to cause mass disruption- fearing them when they're not actively casting, especially when your fellow dps mateys are going to break your fear the instant it's cast anyway, is a wasted fear.

get REAL comfortable casting fear via mouseover! Optimally, you'll rarely need to cast fear on someone with a silence while you're actually targeting them. A rogue is 100% MORE likely to kick you if you're targeting them while casting fear, but if your target is that f2p hunter they'll oft save their kick for when they think they'll need it, only to be caught by surprise when your fear lands on them instead!

Mobility is your friend! Really, why else would you play a demo lock? If they take demo leap away to give to demo hunters in legion I'll probably end up shelving my lock.

You should be using your demo energy- I don't really want to say "sparingly" since sometimes unloading all your demo fury on a healer who's taking other sourcers of damage can be the extra boost needed, but you optimally NEVER want to leave yourself without enough fury to leap away. If you're unloading your demo fury on a ret pally who's laughing at you while casting flash of light, you're gonna be a sad warlock when the inevitable rogue or druid appears right behind you. Or, well, anyone, really. I usually switch out of meta when I'm around 100-200 demo fury- 100 demo fury if I've pre-dotted a ton of folks to generate more fury, more if my dots have ticked themselves out while I've been in meta.

Versatility was your friend pre-6.2 but if you're not haste stacked now you're doing it wrong.

I could go on but denurd already covered most of the shit I woulda brought up- welcome to the spec, seeing other post-6.2 demonology warlocks gives me the warm and fuzzy :)
Mouseover macros are your friend! Everything should be mouseover! ERR'TANG!

I find mouseover macros not as helpful as focus /focus assist macros. Sometime you would want to do damage and in that same time you do damage on your main targets you will have to worry also about picking that flag if FC dies. And you will need to focus more on picking that flag and still attacking your main target.
I find mouseover macros not as helpful as focus /focus assist macros. Sometime you would want to do damage and in that same time you do damage on your main targets you will have to worry also about picking that flag if FC dies. And you will need to focus more on picking that flag and still attacking your main target.

Focus assist macros certainly have their place, but demonology is not a single target spec. A demonology warlock's goal, damage-wise, is to set up corruption and doom on everyone within range(exceptions only made for CC targets). Spamming corruption on a single target does nothing, and you'll be wanting to juggle fear on multiple targets.

Locks- anything, really- can suffice as a last resort FC, but as a demonology warlock when I'm forced into a FC role dps as a priority goes out the window. Then it's all about blanketing corruption for demo fury when NOT being melee'd, and extending your meta time as far as possible, ONLY using demo fury for leaps. Corruption out of meta, fearspam in meta.
This is awkward. I dont really remember you,maybe we need to get to know each other.
But AHEM, thanks fellow summoner,you already have a potential to become one of us.
I don't know you, only know of you.

I did forget a few names (I knew I would, sorry) like [MENTION=16260]TheFupaKing[/MENTION] [MENTION=12037]Hue[/MENTION] and [MENTION=19386]Itty Bitty Worlock[/MENTION]!

I play US but I've seen and heard many good things about said warlocks I listed, some I know, some I've played with personally.

This thread is officially awesome. It's like a super awesome warlock thread. I think we should rename it to "Strangers with Candy" or some other comical warlock-themed title :O

lol so i just read up on why ur NOT a taco.. ROFL, that is litterly the best written and most informative guide ive ever seen on TI.. Amazing.. i fell like havin tacos now....
I know, right? I never knew there were so many kinds of tacos! I always thought tacos were tacos.

#warlocksandtacos #awesometalk
I thought you quit like 7 years ago rhae

besides everyone knows warlocks are a zero skill class ever since they nerfed that demo double jump mechanic.

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