The Original "clicker"
Can still queue for random BG's. On one of my F2P 20's right now.
Yay , power to the people ! And f2ps and veterans .
Can still queue for random BG's. On one of my F2P 20's right now.
But Blizzard's greed has to do. It's a yet another contribution to their wonderful reputation. This along with their pay-more-for-less-while-we-add-more-store-mounts-and-push-143-boar-recolors-as-content-patches business formula which has already proven to be a wild success.
Can we still do world pvp events.
Just confirmed that f2p can still enter BGs. I just got into Arathi Basin.
(And then promptly left again as Horde team was OP as fuck)
Keep in mind that the token costs $5 more than the regular sub fee. Additionally, there are still an endless amount of tokens, bought with $$, that are waiting to be purchased via auction house(I assume they don't add to sub data if they're not consumed by a player).Tokens are included in the sub count.
Just wanted to inform you that Felmouthroflololololol is restricted now!
RIP Felmouth Frenzy 2k15
Damn it, I almost wished this was true so 29s could die and maybe give room to 39s or some other bracket. How ppl still play f2p is over my head, the bracket is so shit as it is. Playing f2p is just adding salt to the wounds but yeh, who am I to judge what ppl like.