Project 39 [Funding Applications here]


Boostz or Boots
Project 39 - Im A Classy Project [Funding Applications here]

Credit to GG Nineteen for a general template.
Please keep replies to applications only.

Guild: 'Im A Classy Project' - Bleeding Hollow Alliance.

Project 39 is
open and funding:

Project 39 - What is it?

The goal of Project 39 is to create a hub for new and existing players in the 39 xp-off bracket. With the creation of a guild, funding and support it allows players to be part of the community, make friends and be part of a large group of like minded players. The long term goal of Project 39 is to have an active self managed guild with existing veterans of the 39 bracket guiding new players.

How can I be a part of it?

You can apply for funding here! There is a brief set of questions to determine your eligibility for funding. This project is for assisting new players or existing players who are not already in a major 39 guild or have multiple 39 characters.

Project 39 is also accepting donations. Gold, items, time(runs) and general support is appreciated and welcome. Please PM me if you wish to help.

Project 39 Donators
Face - 60k

Shook - 40k
Skanky - 50k
Dime - 2000g, Various BOE's
Danny Glover - 20k, Various BOE's
Conq - 25k
Yoube - 20k, Various BOE's

What is your role in this?

My role in Project 39 is to support and assist players into the 39 bracket. In regards to the guild I will be the temporary GM and have control of the Gbank for the time being. In the long term I am hoping to pass guild leadership to a driven and experienced player who is willing to guide the current and future members of the Project 39 guild.

My Application?

Please answer the following set of questions in a reply to this thread. If for whatever reason you would like to apply privately, simply send me a PM in the same format.

1. Why are you applying to Project 39?
2. Do you have any previous pvp/xp-off experience?
3. What class/spec are you looking to play?
4. What do you feel you personally offer the bracket?
5. Will you be an active member of 'Im A Classy Project'?
6. Can you provide a screenshot of your UI?
7. Where are you in the world? Tell us strangers on the internet a tiny bit about you.
8. Is there anything else we should know about you?

Thank you for reading.
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Im A Classy Project now exists! Have been getting applications through PMs. Looking to spread the word for recruitment and funding through forums, twitter and wcm.
1. Why are you applying to Project 39?
2. Do you have any previous pvp/xp-off experience?
3. What class/spec are you looking to play?
4. What do you feel you personally offer the bracket?
5. Will you be an active member of 'Im A Classy Project'?
6. Can you provide a screenshot of your UI?
7. Where are you in the world? Tell us strangers on the internet a tiny bit about you.
8. Is there anything else we should know about you?

1. I enjoy the competition.
2. I was a very active member in the 49 bracket a couple years ago. I played mostly rogue. I also had a FC pally, spriest and hunter.
3. I want to play rogue and a druid FC.
4. I'm a objective focused player.
5. If anyone remembers me, I was very active.
6. My UI is standard, open to suggestions. My computer is beast.
7. I'm living in the middle of the U.S.A
8. I prefer to play Alliance.
i'll do a sweep through all my old bank alts and see what i can scrape up for some new 39s. half the shit prolly isnt any good, o well.
1. Wanna play on both factions
2. Played for GSC team for quite a while, took part of the twink cup on hunter called Unwaxed & priest called Efc
3. Alliance boomkin
4. Pretty good gameplay, I want a ally toon to balance out bgs. I got a horde hunter called Stabiltyo @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft
5. Im from Sweden but Im queing almost every saturday
7. Sweden, playing sports at a proffesional level & play wow to not party too much :)
8. names alex im 19
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1. Wanna play on both factions
2. Played for GSC team for quite a while, took part of the twink cup on hunter called Unwaxed & priest called Efc
3. Alliance boomkin
4. Pretty good gameplay, I want a ally toon to balance out bgs. I got a horde hunter called Stabiltyo @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft
5. Im from Sweden but Im queing almost every saturday
7. Sweden, playing sports at a proffesional level & play wow to not party too much :)
8. names alex im 19

yo you used the wrong photo
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
1. Why are you applying to Project 39?
To help alliance out.
2. Do you have any previous pvp/xp-off experience?
3. What class/spec are you looking to play?
Warlock Affliction
4. What do you feel you personally offer the bracket?
Objective play. And an Alliance toon as I main Horde
5. Will you be an active member of 'Im A Classy Project'?
6. Can you provide a screenshot of your UI?
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
7. Where are you in the world? Tell us strangers on the internet a tiny bit about you.
Los Angeles. I'm 23 and love Turtles.
8. Is there anything else we should know about you?
Nothing interesting ^^
I would like to donate 25k and apologize for previously discouraging words towards the revival of this bracket which seems to be doing really well, let me know how I can get this to you [MENTION=2576]Boostz[/MENTION]. The 19s and 39s bracket should be as brothers, not as enemies.
1. Been really enjoying the bracket so far on horde playing a shadowpriest known as Ellipsìs. Also been pretty influential / helpful on theorycrafting gear for certain specs. Now after some, let's call it, 'encouragement' from Bigmoran I've decided to make an alliance char of some sort.

2. Previously played 19s in wrath up until the end of Cata. Played 29s a lot of MoP. 70s in wrath and 39s recently as previously mentioned.

3. Warlock Boomkin or shadow. Preferably Boomie or shadow.

4. RBG experience playing with some of the highest eu teams. A team play mindset focused on helping my surrounding players not just myself. The ability to do more damage than any other man woman or child on this earth.

5. I've been very active so far and should continue to be. Both as a voice of advice and an active premade and PuG member.

6. 1:drums, 2: flash bombs, 3 arcane bomb, 4: /spit Jk... In all seriousness I'm writing this on my phone right now. Happy to screenshare with boosts in the morning though.

7. I'm from the UK and I'm 18 turning 19 next Monday. I am going to be a full time History student in a week so playing this game 24/7 won't be an option. Because of that I'll be able to devote maximum effort into game nights and the soon to evolve premade scene.

8. I steal things...
1. Wanna play on both factions
2. Played for GSC team for quite a while, took part of the twink cup on hunter called Unwaxed & priest called Efc
3. Alliance boomkin
4. Pretty good gameplay, I want a ally toon to balance out bgs. I got a horde hunter called Stabiltyo @ Bleeding Hollow - Community - World of Warcraft
5. Im from Sweden but Im queing almost every saturday
7. Sweden, playing sports at a proffesional level & play wow to not party too much :)
8. names alex im 19

Yes please use the correct screen shot -
1. Why are you applying to Project 39?
2. Do you have any previous pvp/xp-off experience?
3. What class/spec are you looking to play?
4. What do you feel you personally offer the bracket?
5. Will you be an active member of 'Im A Classy Project'?
6. Can you provide a screenshot of your UI?
7. Where are you in the world? Tell us strangers on the internet a tiny bit about you.
8. Is there anything else we should know about you?

1. I'm applying to be able to make an Allliance character to balance queues out. As I don't have a main on the server, I'll need the funding to create a char.

2. 2015 twink cup 4th place on Hunter - Amorous. I play 19s actively, as well as 39s actively currently on my mage Succoro.
I have been playing twinks since before battleground brackets ended with the number "9" and ive been playing 19s since release. At end game, I've been 2.2-2.3k in arenas on rogue/mage/shaman and 2,8k mmr in rbgs on US ladder during S9 and S10.

3. Shadow Priest

4. Strong awareness, objective oriented play, ability to adapt quickly. I also actually turn my camera around unlike 50% of the brackets these days >.>

5. WIth work and RL committments, gameplay time is always hard to prioritize. But I've been around for a long time, and I plan to continue to do so.


7. Southern California. I'm 23, college graduate, and a working professional at a Fortune 100 consulting company. When I wear brown shoes, I make sure my belt matches in color.

8. I love this bracket, I've been playing it for years. Thank you and the donators for taking the time and effort and putting this together. Thank you also for your consideration. Hopefully this funding will allow me to continue to do my part to maintaining the activity in this bracket.

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1. I'm wanting to get a 39 character on the US realms, fresh after making one on EU. I have very little gold on US and have no chance at funding it myself for a while, I figured this program would be the place to try. My US account has a 19 shaman, and a boosted character that was only used to enchant heirlooms.

2. I have both played the game and twinked in Vanilla, however never before in the 39 bracket (until a week ago on EU). At endgame my experience only goes as far as 2.2k. I competed in the Twink Cup as Resto Shaman on <PING> and placed 4th. On EU I play resto shaman for <for the BOYS> at 19, and at 39 for <On Point>

3. Resto Shaman

4. Activity, competence, and skill resulting in hopefully competitive games.

5. I'm not sure about this as i'm not sure if I will be playing in a guild for the 39 TC, or just another guild in general.

6. UI on 100, can explain any macros or binds if needed.

7. I'm from England, UK, Europe. Currently in College.

8. I'm the reason there are no 39 pops on EU.
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1. Why are you applying to Project 39?
2. Do you have any previous pvp/xp-off experience?
3. What class/spec are you looking to play?
4. What do you feel you personally offer the bracket?
5. Will you be an active member of 'Im A Classy Project'?
6. Can you provide a screenshot of your UI?
7. Where are you in the world? Tell us strangers on the internet a tiny bit about you.
8. Is there anything else we should know about you?

Thank you for reading.

Hello, first off i have to say, good idea for having a Project GG 39s, i have had a couple of friends tell me lately 39s are fun and that i should be a part of it.

1.I am applying to Project 39 because i am told the quality of games is good and i would love to be a part of it. Would also improve my twinking experience so i guess i'd give it a shot.

2. Yes, i have been a F2P twink for 4+ years now, and have also been part of the 19 community for almost 7 months so far, thanks to Conq and the GG 19 Project (Helped me so much with funding, and it was super quick as well, Conq you the man!)

3. I am currently looking forward to play a Shadow priest.

4. I offer the bracket plays, i have experience on 10v10s also. I spend every day thinking about that Gulch and what strategies i could use on it.

5. I will be honest here. I am not going to be very active during the School session. I will be focusing more on being a tryhard on school =). But i can guarantee you i will play during weekends, that is for sure.

6. Of course,
--- Sorry i couldn't provide a better screenie, but i cannot log in WoW at the moment. (By the way, this is a screenshot i took when i saw 2 of our monks sitting and throwing bubbles on base for no reason, -2 players that hurts lol).

7.I live in Albania EU, i have dreams of becoming an electronic engineer =), gotta work really hard huh ? ^_^

8. Not much, i enjoy competitiveness, and i love people that make good plays, focusing on objective. I love studying other's playstyle and learning a bit from them.
1. Why are you applying to Project 39?

Well, you see, I'm looking for a twink bracket that has decent games. I'm not some uber-awesome player, but healing in 20-29 is making me want to go do Ashran. Please, save me from Ashran.
2. Do you have any previous pvp/xp-off experience?

Free to play 20's, pay to play 20's, and 24's. I know, I'm coming form the aids bracket. Forgive me.
3. What class/spec are you looking to play?
Retribution and/or Holy Paladin. I've mained a Paladin at endgame for over four years, and though I'm a filthy PvP casual, I try. Trying counts for something, right?

4. What do you feel you personally offer the bracket?
Comic relief. A Padawan for the masses to train. Nothing, honestly. I'll just be a guy with a little skill, trying his best to git gud.

5. Will you be an active member of 'Im A Classy Project'?
Well, yes. My loyalty and time are to my mains guild first though, and to twinking second. If queue night is set on a night I'm doing stuff with my friends, I won't attend.
6. Can you provide a screenshot of your UI?
I don't have a worthy screenshot at this time. As I said, I'm a filthy casual, and suck at keybinding. The fanciest binds I have are to my Razer, and that's almost too much for me to handle.
7. Where are you in the world? Tell us strangers on the internet a tiny bit about you.
U.S.A. More specifically, Mississippi. I'm currently unemployed, so I have alot of time to devote to WoW. Finding a job is hard ;-;
8. Is there anything else we should know about you?
Yeah, I suck at keybinding. I'm not good at exploit jumps. You're probably going to rage at me in /instance.
1. Why are you applying to Project 39?

I am applying to be a part of a twink group, not a fan of end game pvp.

2. Do you have any previous pvp/xp-off experience?

Towards the beginning of lk I used to play a twink hunter , haven't played since around 07

3. What class/spec are you looking to play?

im best with hunter but I'll try any dps

4. What do you feel you personally offer the bracket?

I'm a very active player and I'm on pretty much all day everyday.

5. Will you be an active member of 'Im A Classy Project'?

Yes very active, currently have every day available for play.

6. Can you provide a screenshot of your UI?

No, but I have simple add-ons that differ from class to class

7. Where are you in the world? Tell us strangers on the internet a tiny bit about you.

I currently reside in ny, us. Am moving your Vegas

8. Is there anything else we should know about you?

I don't have much to hide feel free to ask questions, I look forward to thinking with everyone.
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1. Why are you applying to Project 39?
I am applying because i would absolutely love to have a twink on Bleeding Hollow, but i currently do not have any gold or anything on Bleeding Hollow to make a twink there right now.

2. Do you have any previous pvp/xp-off experience?
I have played in 10s, 19s, 20s, 29s, 39s, 60s, 70s, i currently have 2 other twinks on Ysera for 39 and I am loving them but I would like to be apart of a bigger 39 community as well :].

3. What class/spec are you looking to play?
I currently have a druid and shaman at 39, but I'm not sure what else i would like to level as of now...

4. What do you feel you personally offer the bracket?
I feel like i can offer a bit of competition as well as i play at around 1700-1800 rbgs on my main that i haven't played in a while, as well as about the same rating in 2s, 3s...

5. Will you be an active member of 'Im A Classy Project'?
I play nearly every day.

6. Can you provide a screenshot of your UI?
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

7. Where are you in the world? Tell us strangers on the internet a tiny bit about you.
I am living in North Carolina, and have since i was born.

8. Is there anything else we should know about you?
I have loved twinking since i started in Vanilla, my uncle helped me gear a 19 twink rogue back when i started because i didnt know any better than to do that.. I never really started playing for myself until Wotlk when i leveling my warrior to 80. I didn't really start back twinking until Cata when i made multiple 10s, 20s, and a 70 twink warrior... Since then i became hooked and now am looking for a fun bracket to park in for a while.
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1. I love twinking and am looking for an active bracket to join and assist.
2. I've twinked 29,30,39,49,50,70-74,85,99, and PvPed at max level every expansion since vanilla to moderate success. I achieved success in RBGs, arenas, and a tournament(controversially) in the 70 bracket.
3. Restoration Druid unless otherwise directed. Looking to make a viable healer.
4. Passion, leadership, integrity, motivation.
5. Yes, rolling both horde and ally for faction balance.
7. I live in the East Bay Area. I'm 24 and work ~40 hours a week. I am studying computer science and music production.
8. I was the GM of the 70's guild <Nerd Cleave>@Frostmane during Cataclysm. I definitely made some mistakes in my conduct but I have grown considerably since then.

below I will include some videos I made in the 70 bracket during Cataclysm. I was living in France, and spent a lot of time playing and learning with the twinks there. To this day those were some of the best gaming experiences of my life!

<Nerd Cleave> recruitment video that was part of an amazing growth spurt and increase in competitiveness and comradery for the Cataclysm 70 bracket: bg video I threw together highlighting how fun/crazy rogues were in Cata: first short, includes some arenas: original BG and arena video that were loads of fun to make: RBGs vs. a max level 2500+ RBG team that was beating reckful's team. We were really proud of this:
most vids were made from a few nights of footage for fun! they're by no means supposed to imply dominance or skill, as I still had/have quite a lot to learn and improve on! thanks for understanding this :].

I hope 39s can stay alive, and I hope I can help make the bracket a good experience for myself and others.

Thank you.

1. Why are you applying to Project 39?
because i enjoy the bracket and i dont have gold ally side
2. Do you have any previous pvp/xp-off experience?
3. What class/spec are you looking to play?
Rdruid fc
4. What do you feel you personally offer the bracket?
skill and dedication
5. Will you be an active member of 'Im A Classy Project'?
I will try to be, as far as i can.
6. Can you provide a screenshot of your UI?
View attachment 6075
7. Where are you in the world? Tell us strangers on the internet a tiny bit about you.
Los angeles, ca, people know me as scope from the 19 bracket
8. Is there anything else we should know about you?
im going to fc!!!


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