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hi :D

I am 20 years old, living in Mexico city
WoW was the first MMORPG that I ever played. I don't have much time to play nowadays thanks to college :(
This is my first animation ever, and I (almost) finished it last December, so you can watch it if you want.

I like symphonic metal andddd reading and mythology.
I suppose no harm in sharing a picture.


My hair has gone from super long, to the whole scene kid phase hair, to right now which is a bit shorter than this. Oh well, I just try to have fun with it. Only have hair for so long, eh?

Cool to see so many from all over who share a love for the same thing. :)
I suppose no harm in sharing a picture.


My hair has gone from super long, to the whole scene kid phase hair, to right now which is a bit shorter than this. Oh well, I just try to have fun with it. Only have hair for so long, eh?

Cool to see so many from all over who share a love for the same thing. :)

I'd smash that
Love this thread... So my story:
First day of college was last Monday and I'm currently going to a local community college. It's extremely affordable, didn't have to pay a nickel out of my pockets. Playing basketball there, and my coach has a lot of connections to D1 colleges where I hope to play in a couple years. :)
Love this thread... So my story:
First day of college was last Monday and I'm currently going to a local community college. It's extremely affordable, didn't have to pay a nickel out of my pockets. Playing basketball there, and my coach has a lot of connections to D1 colleges where I hope to play in a couple years. :)

I hope you get drafted by the Tigers so I can see ya play at games downtown. Glad things working out for ya.
I am 20 years old and I live in the bay area of California. I used to go to UC Merced but I left because its too expensive. Right now I'm studying computer science and it's print("neato"). If any of you needs a recommendation for a good fantasy book I am the one to ask. Like seriously, want something that's gritty but not game of thrones? Hit up The Lies of Locke Lamora or The Prince of Thorns. Favorite book right now is The Name of the Wind. Superb books.

I mostly watched my brother play wow during vanilla. My bro went to college and I started playing wow towards the end of Burning Crusade. I was a spirit and intellect stacking warrior and I tanked dungeons without a shield. I was just born a pro.

Started getting decent at the game in wrath and all I did was farm achievements and mounts. I quit my p2p account for a while and started to play f2p in cata on Norgannon. I didn't even know the f2p bracket was a thing so when all these level 20 people started asking if I wanted to bg with them I thought "hmm, ok". and here I am.
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Hi from me. I play f2p on Blanazzar server from...... long :D. Dont see many girls here'but decided to look for new wow friends since my server kinda died these days. I still have many rare items to find for my twinks. Till I find them Ill play. Hopefully my friends told me with the new patch battlegrounds would be more balanced for the f2ps. Will see...

My name is Milena. I am from Bulgaria. Nice to meet you all that had courage to show themselves.
Aaa that is me:
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