Items,Gear,Weaps I should get before faction changing.


Hey Guys and Gals!

Making a 19 Rogue twink, Created as Gob for wrists and going to faction change to get dbl Argas. wondering the thing's i should get done before i go to Alliance. Gear, Weapons etc. Stuff that could be valuable in the future and would be handy to have.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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I enjoy rogues. My 1st ever twink was a rogue, I wanted to get back into twinking on something i know i enjoy. I am happy with my decision :), All that matters.
I enjoy rogues. My 1st ever twink was a rogue, I wanted to get back into twinking on something i know i enjoy. I am happy with my decision :), All that matters.

Ye none ever likes 2 classes...
Ye fuck other people your the only one that matters.
Do a search here on TI. This has been asked and answered several times over.

I did a search and couldn't find a thread relating to Rogues. Hence why i made this thread :p.

Thank you to those who have made suggestions. making a list. :)
I did a search and couldn't find a thread relating to Rogues. Hence why i made this thread :p.

Thank you to those who have made suggestions. making a list. :)

Here you go...
There were quite a few results when I just searched "faction change"


This is just one.
Here you go...
There were quite a few results when I just searched "faction change"


This is just one.

Being a TI Veteran i would have thought maybe u might have a positive input towards someone getting back into the twink scene. i'm sorry i added another thread to the forums. Thanks for the point in the right direction but next time maybe don't make someone feel like they have made a mistake by asking a question. even if it has been asked several times in the past.
you're playing a dime a dozen class and refuse any sort of suggestion to roll something else. get over it.
just know that people will blame you when theres 5 rogues on your team and you are getting gy farmed because the rogues cant do anything
no that is the BH mentality they blame everyone but themselves... thus why i stopped pvping in 19s
Being a TI Veteran i would have thought maybe u might have a positive input towards someone getting back into the twink scene. i'm sorry i added another thread to the forums. Thanks for the point in the right direction but next time maybe don't make someone feel like they have made a mistake by asking a question. even if it has been asked several times in the past.

I simply gave you a suggestion. There were no mean or nasty words, no malcontent. I even then followed up giving you a link with exactly what you were looking for and barely got a thank you.
The best way to learn something is by doing it, not by have someone do it for you. That is why I suggested for you to use the search function. Because: If you give a man a fish he will eat for a day. But , if you TEACH him to fish, he will eat for a lifetime.
I was trying to teach you to "fish" for your twinking knowledge, not give it to you.

no that is the BH mentality they blame everyone but themselves... thus why i stopped pvping in 19s

It is not the BH mentality. It is everywhere. Many people have never had to have self responsibility yet. They have no concept of "taking the blame". Thus it results finger pointing.
Case in point, the quote above.
It is not the BH mentality. It is everywhere. Many people have never had to have self responsibility yet. They have no concept of "taking the blame". Thus it results finger pointing.
Case in point, the quote above.
i wanted to improve so what did i do i looked at myself first to see what i could improve myself and the biggest one for me is positioning..... but the reason i say BH mentality is because 99% of the time i see someone being toxic in bg chat its usually BH...... but yes there are a ton of finger pointers from everywhere else too
i wanted to improve so what did i do i looked at myself first to see what i could improve myself and the biggest one for me is positioning..... but the reason i say BH mentality is because 99% of the time i see someone being toxic in bg chat its usually BH...... but yes there are a ton of finger pointers from everywhere else too

Bad form to label an entire server of tens of thousands from the actions of a few.


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