29s Guild Vs Guild Premade Records

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This list should definitely start from fresh, I know many guilds are having roster/attendance problems as well. So having a win/loss sheet is amazing but gotta get more guilds with full teams.
Yeah the scores were erased and everyone is starting 0-0
I know a few teams are close to premade ready I hope that the stragglers out there see this and find themselves a guild to play for or start one themselves. Premading is by far the most fun you can have in a twink bracket

May I suggest adding what the rules would be for wargames in this thread or perhaps create a new one where people to request/submit challenges. I know a lot of the guilds are filling their rosters so would be a great time to add the rules now and a way for guild GM/Officers to post a wargame request.
there was no dodge your side got the date mixed up get it right son

I believe we were there on the correct date with 10 people on. So "get it right son."

With all this keeping track now, hopefully next time when you can't field your 10 after you already agreed and set the rules for your premade, it count as a loss.

May I suggest adding what the rules would be for wargames in this thread or perhaps create a new one where people to request/submit challenges. I know a lot of the guilds are filling their rosters so would be a great time to add the rules now and a way for guild GM/Officers to post a wargame request.
Will do. I have rules written up. And people are more than welcome to let people know they are ready to premade on this thread. I can also add GM's Btags with their guild on the list so they could contact each other.
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29s are making a huge resurgence lately, with more and more guilds popping up by the week. I can only imagine that in the near future we will be premading. Many of us look forward to this, for some, it is what we look forward to most. Our main priority here at Twinks Eat Twinkies along with making the bracket an overall better place to play and a more connected community is these premades.

One point of this thread is to set up premades, and to let people know when your team is ready to premade. Even if your team is not ready, but you plan on premading eventually it would be wise to add your team now so other guilds know you are available to communicate with. The MAJOR purpose of this thread is to keep track of guilds premade records from now on.

If you plan on premading in this bracket you can add your guild to the list at any time by sending me a private message or by writing a post requesting you be added to the list. Although I play US I am more than willing to keep track for EU guilds as well. Please let me know about premades BEFORE they happen so that scores are verifiable and accurate. Individual games do not count unless only one game was played and that was planned from the start.
The scores are based on premade series played best 2 out of 3. The rules I propose be followed by the guilds are as follow: 2 of each class, one of each spec max. No ferals. 2 stealthies, boomy and resto druid count, unless the resto Druid is the FC. 3 Healers max, FC does not count.
All guilds are starting fresh with 0 wins 0 losses. Lets get some scores on the board!

Guild Name: - - - Wins / Loss

Twinks Eat Twinkies - Earthen Ring (US)
0 / 0

Fried Chicken - Undermine (US)
0 / 0

SupaNova - Frostmourne (US)
0 / 0

Nagaz With Attitudez - Bleeding Hollow (US)
0 / 0​

Added the premade rules that I suggest upon request. If anyone has any input on what we should change comment below and if there is too much disagreement we will bring the rule in question to a poll.
Poonfist can correct me if I'm wrong but from what it seems TeT Vs. FC may be happening in the near future, excited to get some scores up on that board and hopefully to see more guilds prepare for war, if anyone from What's Bis sees this and wants added let me know, somebody told me last night that they are premade ready but is unconfirmed because I removed byebye from my btag along with a few others from that group.
What's BiS recruiting for their 10 man team. Check the recruitment page. That's three teams total about ready to premade let's step up everyone. If your not a par of something be a part! If your one of those 29s in your old, dead 24 guild it is time to move or get active.
Glad xp player at max, twinked since day 1, lf a 29 guild to pick me up. I can play any class/spec except fc. Hmu Toys#1506. I just need funds and in return you pick up a multi classer to play in your guild.
Glad xp player at max, twinked since day 1, lf a 29 guild to pick me up. I can play any class/spec except fc. Hmu Toys#1506. I just need funds and in return you pick up a multi classer to play in your guild.
It's James. Pretty sure we've played together before.
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