So anyways, mage Talent Evanesce.
-If I pop can I bandage myself while being attacked uninterrupted while immunity is up ?
-If I pop can I bandage other people who are taking damage uninterrupted while immunity is up ?
-Any other super nifty tricks with this you know of ?
I feel as though this is the most underrated talent for mages, It can be cast mid bandage, mid spell without interrupting the cast.
It doesn't remove dots but the 3 seconds that you are immune you can get 3 bandage ticks
While it is active, you are immune to all damage, stuns, interrupts, and sliences
You can't use it while you are stunned or silenced so it doesn't act as a trinket
It's very good to solo EFC if he has a lot of support
I am very new to mage but after playing around with this talent for a day (I haven't tested the other 2), I feel as its a lot better
Whenever a feral pops Tiger's Fury, I know a fero bite is inc so it's pretty cool to see a feral waste their fero bite on me
I also had starsurge + chaos bolt coming at me, I popped this right before they hit and a rogue ambushed me, I stayed at full health