quitting 29's. have fun guys.


Yep dueces. take it easy gg twinks, real love goes out to thotfc too. cappin them pugs like a boss. nothing better than seeing you guys wipe the floor with a bunch of 20's. im done with it. was fun while it lasted for a tiny while but now it's just stupid. dont offer to play with me, dont tell me itll get better, this is the last time im going through this crap and im finished. deleting toons tomorrow.

Yep dueces. take it easy gg twinks, real love goes out to thotfc too. cappin them pugs like a boss. nothing better than seeing you guys wipe the floor with a bunch of 20's. im done with it. was fun while it lasted for a tiny while but now it's just stupid. dont offer to play with me, dont tell me itll get better, this is the last time im going through this crap and im finished. deleting toons tomorrow.


Cya mate. /wave
I have to agree with Burg. 20's are the funnest.
Having a bad night? Take a break and walk away. You can not win each and every game.
You guys play WoW way too much. And take it too seriously. Twinking is only for fun. Major League button pushers play end game.

Yep dueces. take it easy gg twinks, real love goes out to thotfc too. cappin them pugs like a boss. nothing better than seeing you guys wipe the floor with a bunch of 20's. im done with it. was fun while it lasted for a tiny while but now it's just stupid. dont offer to play with me, dont tell me itll get better, this is the last time im going through this crap and im finished. deleting toons tomorrow.

Hey man look. I just returned to wow 4 days ago, and I already made a new 29 and played a few games. I made my toon on horde and all I run into is feral and bms, because 95% of the people who play both 20s and 29s have the skill capacity of a door knob. The games are still fun, in their own way. It's just half the bracket relies on class instead of skill. Thats my analysis after a week.
I know how you feel sometimes. I try and avoid doing wrsg around the peak hours, because I end up getting matched against those horde premades. I still have fun though.. It helps being a rogue because I never really get farmed, and even if my team blows ass I can sneak around and pick of the horde stragglers. However if I was a level 20 f2p that just started playing bgs I would quit wow. It's just not fun getting rolled over by a bunch of ferals and shadow priests...
Potato problem is like many allies. horde at 29 and vet 20s premade too much. Lack of a good alliance guild or ally real Id list. I have 8 min wage ques. When I notice a lot of my alliance real I'd aren't on wish ques jump to 14 mins. I check horde premading at that time and I get a huge response that 20 vets n 29s are premading.

In nutshell ques are bad during horde premading time and games r faceroll. Hence y I'll play ally once in a while for a challenge. My heart bleeds red but the facerolling is too dayum high.

It's not even a challenge to play f2p horde in a 5 man sometimes. Hence y some of us in groups r looking at world PVP now. My hp is low but my haste or crit is high in world PVP vs losing it in bgs when I scale up in gear and health.

Also if if your having trouble in wag do to lack of a group. Que up Ab or Eots my advice.

you have to take be time make friends in the last 4 months I've made friends with a lot of f2p and people I didn't get along with. For example I've had people on my real Id that are friends now get drunk and randomly tell me how they used to hate me lol.

I play the game now the way it was intended, in moderation and loving it.
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Potato problem is like many allies. horde at 29 and vet 20s premade too much. Lack of a good alliance guild or ally real Id list. I have 8 min wage ques. When I notice a lot of my alliance real I'd aren't on wish ques jump to 14 mins. I check horde premading at that time and I get a huge response that 20 vets n 29s are premading.

In nutshell ques are bad during horde premading time and games r faceroll. Hence y I'll play ally once in a while for a challenge. My heart bleeds red but the facerolling is too dayum high.

It's not even a challenge to play f2p horde in a 5 man sometimes. Hence y some of us in groups r looking at world PVP now. My hp is low but my haste or crit is high in world PVP vs losing it in bgs when I scale up in gear and health.

Also if if your having trouble in wag do to lack of a group. Que up Ab or Eots my advice.

you have to take be time make friends in the last 4 months I've made friends with a lot of f2p and people I didn't get along with. For example I've had people on my real Id that are friends now get drunk and randomly tell me how they used to hate me lol.

I play the game now the way it was intended, in moderation and loving it.

You're right Honey....horde does premade too much
Potato problem is like many allies. horde at 29 and vet 20s premade too much. Lack of a good alliance guild or ally real Id list. I have 8 min wage ques. When I notice a lot of my alliance real I'd aren't on wish ques jump to 14 mins. I check horde premading at that time and I get a huge response that 20 vets n 29s are premading.

In nutshell ques are bad during horde premading time and games r faceroll. Hence y I'll play ally once in a while for a challenge. My heart bleeds red but the facerolling is too dayum high.

It's not even a challenge to play f2p horde in a 5 man sometimes. Hence y some of us in groups r looking at world PVP now. My hp is low but my haste or crit is high in world PVP vs losing it in bgs when I scale up in gear and health.

Also if if your having trouble in wag do to lack of a group. Que up Ab or Eots my advice.

you have to take be time make friends in the last 4 months I've made friends with a lot of f2p and people I didn't get along with. For example I've had people on my real Id that are friends now get drunk and randomly tell me how they used to hate me lol.

I play the game now the way it was intended, in moderation and loving it.

We get a lot of guilds and server buddies saying my guild is their rival, pretty much the only ones that put up comp and i laugh when horde guilds say were their rivals

Ally does need more players to support our jajas which help ques balance

CTA thread inc
So now I need to make an ally 29 and finish my ally 20. Even though whenever I que a bg alliance are winning. This game is simple, and most players are bad. Find the good ones, play with them, and have fun.
ques are bad for horde too, when gg twinks and other facerollers are not premading, i got matches like 3 belf rogues on int gear against 2 bm 2 ferals 2 spriest team (or even 3 of each)

whenever it happens, i just que up for some AB/AV or just gilneas or que 19s if popping
Screw it i wont delete them. I might try to make a level 20 for fun or faction change to horde soon on one 29 and see what it's like from the other side of the fence. If all still goes crappy....might try 70's or some other bracket if there are any active ones. I just had a crappy day and a crappy night yesterday and the first bg i went in was a premade and that just finished my mood for the night, that's why I ragequit.
Screw it i wont delete them. I might try to make a level 20 for fun or faction change to horde soon on one 29 and see what it's like from the other side of the fence. If all still goes crappy....might try 70's or some other bracket if there are any active ones. I just had a crappy day and a crappy night yesterday and the first bg i went in was a premade and that just finished my mood for the night, that's why I ragequit.

It's okay man. I forgive you.

When I can get a 29 going on alliance i'll make sure to help you win.
I gotchu son.

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