Goblin Glider Kits vs Swiftness Potions

What the fuck is a neap?

Also, use whatever game allows you to use. That's why we're twinks in the first place.
What the fuck is a neap?

Also, use whatever game allows you to use. That's why we're twinks in the first place.

Stupid statement using them is basically only hurting yourself because in wargames none of those things are viable and cannot be used so when you use them now you are unrealistically practicing for wargames, so why practice at all if its not really going to benefit you?
The argument against them is that in competitive play you cannot use them and a great deal of players refuse to use them for this reason. We don't want to crutch on them outside of wargames then not be able to use them in wargames. If I remember correctly you can't use a glider while FCing. Although you can use swiftness pots and you won't have to worry about your positioning because you are going 200+% for an extended duration. DPS do it too usually rogues as I see a lot of them open on druids then when the druid displacers the rogue is speeding after them. It ruins the quality of games because instead of thinking "How can I use my class to help my team win" you are thinking "Do I have all 10 stacks of swiftness pots because those will really help me"
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trees said:
Stupid statement using them is basically only hurting yourself because in wargames none of those things are viable and cannot be used so when you use them now you are unrealistically practicing for wargames, so why practice at all if its not really going to benefit you?

I very specifically said to use whatever the game allows you to use because I am fully aware that different game modes have different rules for consumables and other items. Only a bad player would be hurt by not being able to use pots or glider in Skirms/Wargames, any good player will just adapt accordingly and not miss a beat.

Any argument to the contrary is bullshit and should be ignored. Use em if you got em, period.
We are getting a lot of new blood that aren't great players so they begin to crutch on them. When I first played 19s I used swiftness pots all the time but when I ran out I was just like every other bad rogue. The only reason I don't use them is due to habit. If you bind a swiftness pot to use when ever you are in a bad situation you will hit that in premades due to muscle memory and its just how you work. In pugs go for it. I'm not saying not to I am just explaining why I do not and I feel it helped me progress as a player. I mean honestly though everyone does the occasional glider out of the gates to get to mid faster.
We are getting a lot of new blood that aren't great players so they begin to crutch on them. When I first played 19s I used swiftness pots all the time but when I ran out I was just like every other bad rogue. The only reason I don't use them is due to habit. If you bind a swiftness pot to use when ever you are in a bad situation you will hit that in premades due to muscle memory and its just how you work. In pugs go for it. I'm not saying not to I am just explaining why I do not and I feel it helped me progress as a player. I mean honestly though everyone does the occasional glider out of the gates to get to mid faster.

well said
I noticed that, so far, those in "pro" camp are 29s. I think that's really all that needs to be said.
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I very specifically said to use whatever the game allows you to use because I am fully aware that different game modes have different rules for consumables and other items. Only a bad player would be hurt by not being able to use pots or glider in Skirms/Wargames, any good player will just adapt accordingly and not miss a beat.

Any argument to the contrary is bullshit and should be ignored. Use em if you got em, period.
If you can so easily adapt your gameplay to 'not miss a beat', why do you even use them in the forst place?
Imo it's okey if you find them in blingtron boxes or something but to buy them or craft them seems a bit too much.
Why are they or any other consumable deemed "crutching"?
When an ability that a class/race has can do the same thing.
If there was an engineering item that allowed you to blink forard would that be "crutching" or one that polymorphed without a CD?
We are talking about items that EVERYONE has access to. And items that EVERYONE can use.

People are straying away from the ideals of what twinking really is. You use what is the absolute best for you, ideally if it is meant for higher level characters. Because then it is overwhelmingly powerful for a low level toon. We did not invent twinks to be "competitive". They we invented to steamroll. Am I right Willix and Conq?
If you truly want long term "competition", I suggest you move on up to end game. You will never find it in a twink bracket. Now, if you want fun, stay down here. That is why I play.
Have marvelous day!

I find consumables and different tinkers fun to use. I started to play wow to have fun so that's why I like to use them.

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