Oh Boy, Check out 6.2 Notes

Doubt they will be sold for honor. Tooltip says sold by heirloom vendors added in 6.1. Also the head and legs say sold by guild vendors.

meh, it doesn't harm me if i farm honor or dm tickets before i join in case they add in more stuff later on.
Think he meant that you should use the plate boas and work the rest of the mog around the problem of not being able to mog said pieces.

Pretty bummed Spriests won't have Shadow Form effect mounts. That's been a thing forever. :(
Last time I tried this in MoP it didn't work. It only turns into mail when equiped and since you can't equip both they cannot be mogged from one another. Otherwise I would have a warr with hpal shoulders by now :/

oh wow you are right. the options dont show up when trying to transmog them. i never knew that
polished breastplate of valor, burnished breastplate of might and pristine lightforged breastplate are all plate but will all scale down to mail so they can be mogged to each other

No because it's plate so you can't mog it to mail. And you can't mog it to plate cause it scales down to mail.

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