24s <3

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ahahaha.. i would have asked if RX was short for Rectum Examination, I still dont see why you need steroids for that.... poor Michael tho : (

Your mind went straight for the gutter.

That's why I like you <3
And denial obviously.

only four more stages to go then

And my strat for beat that and premades is playing a 24. That's like my whole point.

yes I know you love to bang on about why you play 24s but that's not what im talking about

if anyone is remotely interested in getting quality games in this bracket (admittedly this is a waste of time with you) and thinks f2p premades are bad is an idiot

But their the same players you don't want to play with, why would anyone else...


so you are for premades

i don't use apostrophes unless auto correct does it for me, like that one

and its theyre* not their

I can tell.

im flattered
only four more stages to go then

Depends how you look at. You reached stupidity days ago.

yes I know you love to bang on about why you play 24s but that's not what im talking about

if anyone is remotely interested in getting quality games in this bracket (admittedly this is a waste of time with you) and thinks f2p premades are bad is an idiot

But that's what I'm talking about.

Destroying PuGs with a group of ex p2p twinks and endgamers is your idea of quality, not mine.

so you are for premades

It only bothered me when I was F2P, nowadays I just global their FC and leave em scratching their heads.

i don't use apostrophes unless auto correct does it for me, like that one

and its theyre* not their

There they're their, you really should.

im flattered

Simple things pleases simple minds I s'pose
Depends how you look at. You reached stupidity days ago.

yeah assuming you were capable of comprehension was stupid

But that's what I'm talking about.

Destroying PuGs with a group of ex p2p twinks and endgamers is your idea of quality, not mine.

why are you still talking about it?

and no that's not my idea of a quality game, you really cant keep up can you

Simple things pleases simple minds I s'pose

you must feel right at home with the other 24s then
Why do you all fight over this bracket. Its a repeat over and over again. Why cant you all just be happy. I honestly see no point in argueing. If somthing is challengeing like a 24 then maybe you should try to figure out how to overcome that. I have alot of respect for the f2p especially the none twink f2p. We all shouldnt be argueing. You should all be trying to figure out how to make both sides happy. Like we are trying to bring the 19s back honestly. please just stop fighting, its pointless to continue. Anything is possible if you believe so please stop fighting.

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Love these examples of American double standards.. performance enhancing drugs in sports is all ok.. but the dude watching better not be relaxing with a joint or bam 20years...

My point was that even though steroids were not explicitly banned, the major names that are known to have used them will not be in the hall of fame.

As for the guy toking while sitting on his couch, there's this thing called the war on drugs, which isn't so much a war against taking drugs, as much as it's a war against competition. You see the government WANTS you to take drugs. They just only want you to take THEIR drugs.
yeah assuming you were capable of comprehension was stupid

No, I can't comprehend why you can't see you're doing the same as a 24 when you roll into a PuG premade.

I know playing a p2p is unfair, I've never disputed it. You however seem to think your faceroll is some how better.. I guess you use extra lube or something :rolleyes:

why are you still talking about it?

Because that has been the subject since my opening post in this thread, go check.

and no that's not my idea of a quality game, you really cant keep up can you

I'm sure I'm not the only one from reading above.

you must feel right at home with the other 24s then

No I have more in common with F2Premaders. I could queue solo on a none OP f2p, but choose not too because I'm an inconsiderate tosser.
No, I can't comprehend why you can't see you're doing the same as a 24 when you roll into a PuG premade.

I know playing a p2p is unfair, I've never disputed it. You however seem to think your faceroll is some how better.. I guess you use extra lube or something :rolleyes:

im not talking about which is more faceroll against no competition

as you said most pugs in this bracket are hopeless anyway, id rather beat them by playing better than them as a group instead of outgearing the shit out of them

if you ignore the comps and both teams have the same gear, the team who plays better wins

Because that has been the subject since my opening post in this thread, go check.

your first post

I'm gonna delete my p2ps and roll hunter or rogue like the rest of the bracket...


im talking about how more f2p premades are good for the competitiveness of the bracket

and youre saying we shouldn't premade because pugs don't stand a chance, but at the same time you play a 24
My point was that even though steroids were not explicitly banned, the major names that are known to have used them will not be in the hall of fame.

As for the guy toking while sitting on his couch, there's this thing called the war on drugs, which isn't so much a war against taking drugs, as much as it's a war against competition. You see the government WANTS you to take drugs. They just only want you to take THEIR drugs.

Even though they are more dangerous but it's alright because you guys have no problem what so ever with lobbying...
It's certainly not all right. And please don't lump me in with 'you guys.' The people here hate what's going on, but the government does whatever it wants. And voting does no good since both parties are captured, and the voting is rigged anyway.

Wanna run for office to make a change yourself? Good luck getting the funding, since the funding comes from the lobbies, and once they get you in, they want you to keep up your end if the bargain.

And the media never stops talking about how we're a democracy, which is a total lie. We WERE a republic. Democracy is the tyranny of the majority. It's two wolves and one sheep voting on what to eat for lunch.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
your first post

im talking about how more f2p premades are good for the competitiveness of the bracket

and youre saying we shouldn't premade because pugs don't stand a chance, but at the same time you play a 24

I'm saying premading against pugs is bad. I actually think it's a good idea and made a thread about it to premade against premades.

If you made one night a week where teams would Q they would bump into each other. People who don't even like the bracket may actually make a team and Q. But you're not even trying.

So you've ran into a few premades since cata... What do you want, a medal? I run into a 24 every game I play.
funny coming from an ex-Godmode druid crying all day long about hunters :))

And you're the rogue playing hunter (Badly) on agg as we speak. Do you have a point or?

Yep it was me O/
Yeah, i did it to impress you, seems it worked ;)

Ps i know it was you.

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You impressed me alright... I did't think it was possible to be so bad with a f2p hunter.
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He fair.... ever heard bout clever use of game mechanics ? Game was never, and never will be fair. Want it to be as fair as possible? Delete your hunters and rogues

RPGs are inherently unfair. I would not disagree in that regard... what I take issue with is the justification presented in this particular instance.

Also, there is nothing clever about using an advantage that, for whatever reason, is simply not possible for others to obtain... There was a hacker several years back, here in the trial bracket, whom was fairly infamous, he used to fly and move through walls in Wsg. He did so proudly and openly too. By the logic present here, such a player would have been encouraged to continue in this manner.

Congratulations. I didn't know they was that many ways to say herp derp.

No matter how long you make your post I didn't say "do it if you can get away with it." I Said IF it's allowed do it. Normally I wouldn't say that because I don't agree with speed pots or FaPs, but no one has morals in this bracket, so I have no problems keeping mine in my pocket :)

The verbosity, or "herp derp" as you put it, is due to the fact that I was trying to be polite while pointing out that you are incorrect.

I have already explained to you what an implication is... And I would continue to maintain that your wording does imply just that, as I stated. Granted, again, I am trying to be polite, and giving you the benefit here. It is possible your thought process was considerably less when you wrote what you did...

Again, you have distorted the meaning of "What's legal" to your own end, and thus used it to excuse your less-than-stellar actions. In the end, if Blizzard were to make it against the rules to play a 24 in the trial bracket, you would be no better than said hacker in my above reply... But of course, you would not be playing a 24 then would you? No, you would not, as you would have lost your excuse...

The primary difference between the hacker, and 24s like yourself, the hacker was at least honest about what he was doing.

For your convience: TLDR:
You Are Wrong In Every Sense.
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RPGs are inherently unfair. I would not disagree in that regard... what I take issue with is the justification presented in this particular instance.

Also, there is nothing clever about using an advantage that, for whatever reason, is simply not possible for others to obtain... There was a hacker several years back, here in the trial bracket, whom was fairly infamous, he used to fly and move through walls in Wsg. He did so proudly and openly too. By the logic present here, such a player would have been encouraged to continue in this manner.

The verbosity, or "herp derp" as you put it, is due to the fact that I was trying to be polite while pointing out that you are incorrect.

I have already explained to you what an implication is... And I would continue to maintain that your wording does imply just that, as I stated. Granted, again, I am trying to be polite, and giving you the benefit here. It is possible your thought process was considerably less when you wrote what you did...

Again, you have distorted the meaning of "What's legal" to your own end, and thus used it to excuse your less-than-stellar actions. In the end, if Blizzard were to make it against the rules to play a 24 in the trial bracket, you would be no better than said hacker in my above reply... But of course, you would not be playing a 24 then would you? No, you would not, as you would have lost your excuse...

The primary difference between the hacker, and 24s like yourself, the hacker was at least honest about what he was doing.

For your convience: TLDR:
You Are Wrong In Every Sense.

No I wouldn't be playing a 24 if it was against blizzards rules. Like I didn't use satchel gear, I didn't use gems and I don't use any of the exploits you can find just by googeling them. You're judging me by what you think of 24s, or what you've seen on your own severs.

Ask anyone on TI even if they don't agree with my views, if they actually know me, they know I'm not lying. I think you'll agree Goesid is a pretty straight up F2P supporter and source, ask him if he's ever known me cheat or exploit.

In every twink guild i've been in I've been an officer and personally kicked cheaters, hackers and even graveyard farmers.

Any EU 19s remember when QitBB kicked jana for speed hacking?

I don't hold with things that are frowned upon even consumables. I normally wouldn't hold with p2ps in this bracket, but I won't premade, and at the same time I'm not gonna be the idiot that gets raped every other game by premades, hunter and rogues. You guys shit on your own doorstep long before I made a 24.

All those big words of yours, I wish you learn some meaning.

tl;dr: You don't have a clue what you're talking about.
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