List: Crossrealm Server Groups and Connected Realms


In the following posts I will list the crossrealm server groups and connected realms for US as they are today:
Jan 15, 2015

Next connections:
- Nothing announced -
Source Aug 21

The list is seperated into countries and connected realms within each crossrealm server group.

Lime = 1st group of connected realms in the crossrealm group
Yellow = 2nd group
Rose = 3rd group
Orange = 4th group
Cyan = 5th group
Salmon = 6th group
Brown = 7th group
Plum = 8th group
Turquois = 9th group
Bordeaux = 10th group
Gold = 11th group
Blue = 12th group
Green = 13th group
Red = 14th group
Light yellow = 15th group
Pink = 16th group
Violet = 17th group
Light green = 18th group
Light red = 19th group
Silver = 20th group
Light orange = 21st group
Light blue = 22nd group
White = Unconnected realms

* = high server population during rush hour (mind the time zones)
** = full
*** = very full

A = Most active f2p alliance community
H = Most active f2p horde community
F2PAddon chats are shared among connected realms!
PM or comment to make me highlight your community!

Any mistakes are welcome to be reported and I will correct the list asap.

Table of Contents:
1. North America
2. Oceanic
3. Latin America
4. Brazil

Click here to get to the EU list!
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1. North America:

Mok'Nathal (CST) H
Silvermoon (PST)
Nazgrel (EST) A
Nesingwary (CST)
Vek'nilash (CST)
Muradin (CST)
Nordrassil (PST)
*Quel'dorei (CST)
*Sen'jin (CST)
Runetotem (CST)
Uther (PST)
Cairne (CST)
Perenolde (MST)
Drak'thul (CST)
Skywall (PST)
Darrowmere (PST)
Windrunner (PST)
Eitrigg (CST)
Shu'halo (PST)
Misha (PST) A
Rexxar (CST)
Dragonblight (PST)
Fenris (EST)
Eldre'Thalas (EST) A H
Korialstrasz (PST)
Antonidas (PST)
Uldum (PST)
Bladefist (PST)
Kul Tiras (CST)
Kilrogg (PST)
Winterhoof (CST)
Borean Tundra (CST)
Shadowsong (PST)
Draka (CST)
Suramar (PST)
Draenor (PST)
Echo Isles (PST)
Hydraxis (CST)
Terenas (MST)
Bronzebeard (PST)
Shandris (EST)
Azjol-Nerub (MST)
Khaz Modan (CST)
Arathor (PST)
Drenden (EST) A
Cenarius (PST)
Garrosh (EST)
Hyjal (PST)
*Lightbringer (PST)
*Proudmoore (PST)

- - -

Blackhand (CST)
Galakrond (PST)
Kargath (EST)
Norgannon (EST)
Blade's Edge (PST)
Thunderhorn (CST)
Alexstrasza (CST)
Terokkar (CST)
Malfurion (CST)
Trollbane (EST)
Arygos (EST)
Llane (EST)
Ghostlands (CST)
Kael'Thas (CST)
Icecrown (MST)
Malygos (CST)
Dawnbringer (CST)
Madoran (CST)
Elune (EST)
Gilneas (EST)
Eonar (EST)
Velen (PST)
Grizzly Hills (EST)
Lothar (EST)
*Ravencrest (CST)
*Uldaman (EST)
**Stormrage (EST)
*Thrall (EST)

- - -

*Aggramar (CST)
*Fizzcrank (CST)
Azuremyst (PST)
Staghelm (CST)
Greymane (CST)
Tanaris (EST)
Anvilmar (PST)
Undermine (EST)
*Durotan (EST)
*Ysera (EST)
Hellscream (CST)
Zangarmarsh (MST)
Baelgun (PST)
Doomhammer (MST)
Alleria (CST)
Khadgar (EST)
Dentarg (EST)
Whisperwind (CST)
Exodar (EST)
Medivh (EST)
Bloodhoof (EST)
Duskwood (EST)
Gnomeregan (PST)
Moonrunner (PST)
Aerie Peak (PST) A H
**Area 52 (EST)
Dalaran (EST)
Garona (CST)
Turalyon (EST)
*Zul'jin (EST)

- - -

Cenarion Circle (PST)
Sisters of Elune (CST)
*Feathermoon (PST)
*Scarlet Crusade (CST)
Blackwater Raiders (PST)
Shadow Council (MST)
Farstriders (CST)
Silver Hand (PST)
Thorium Brotherhood (CST)
*Moon Guard (CST) A
*Wyrmcrest Accord (PST)

- - -

Kirin Tor (CST)
Sentinels (PST)
Steamwheedle Cartel (EST)
Argent Dawn (EST) H
The Scryers (PST)
Earthern Ring (EST)

- - -

Agamaggan (CST)
Archimonde (CST)
Burning Legion (CST)
Jaedenar (EST)
The Underbog (CST)
*Andorhal (EST) H
*Scilla (EST)
*Ursin (PST) A
*Zuluhed (EST)
Azgalor (CST)
Azshara (EST)
Destromath (PST)
Thunderlord (CST)
Black Dragonflight (EST)
Gul'dan (CST)
Skullcrusher (EST)
Altar of Storms (EST)
Anetheron (EST)
Magtheridon (EST)
Ysondre (EST)
Eredar (EST)
Gorefiend (EST)
Spinebreaker (PST)
Wildhammer (CST)
Blood Furnance (CST)
Mannoroth (EST)
Nazjatar (PST)
Auchindoun (EST)
Cho'gall (CST)
Laughing Skull (CST)
Alterac Mountains (EST)
Balnazzar (CST)
Gorgonnash (PST)
The Forgotten Coast (EST)
Burning Blade (EST)
Lightning's Blade (EST)
Onyxia (PST)
Blackwing Liar (PST) H
Dethecus (PST)
Detheroc (CST)
Haomarush (EST)
Shadowmoon (EST)
Coilfang (PST)
Dalvengyr (EST)
Dark Iron (PST)
Demon Soul (EST)
Shattered Hand (EST)
Deathwing (MST)
Executus (EST)
Kalecgos (PST)
Shattered Halls (PST)
*Arthas (EST)
**Bleeding Hollow (EST)
***Illidan (CST)
*Mal'Ganis (CST)
*Sargeras (CST)
Stormreaver (CST)

- - -

Aegwynn (CST)
Bonechewer (PST)
Daggerspine (PST)
Gurubashi (PST)
Hakkar (CST)
Bloodscalp (MST)
Boulderfist (PST)
Dunemaul (PST)
Maiev (PST)
Stonemaul (PST)
Frostwolf (PST)
Vashj (PST) A H
Drak'Tharon (CST)
Firetree (EST)
Malorne (CST)
Rivendare (PST)
Spirestone (PST)
Stormscale (PST)
Anub'arak (EST)
Chromaggus (CST)
Crushridge (PST)
Garithos (CST)
Nathrezim (MST)
Smolderthorn (EST)
Frostmane (CST)
Ner'zhul (PST)
Tortheldrin (EST)
Akama (CST)
Dragonmaw (PST)
Mug'thol (CST)
Blackrock (PST)
**Darkspear (MST)
**Kel'Thuzad (MST)
**Kil'jaeden (PST)
Korgath (CST) A
***Tichondrius (PST)

- - -

Ravenholdt (EST)
Twisting Nether (CST)
Lightninghoof (CST)
Maelstrom (CST)
The Venture Co (PST) A
*Emerald Dream (CST) H
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2. Oceanic:

*Caelestrasz (AEST)
*Nagrand (AEST)
*Dath'Remar (AEST)
*Khaz'goroth (AEST)
*Aman'Thul (AEST)
*Saurfang (AEST)

- - -

*Dreadmaul (AEST)
*Thaurissan (AEST)
*Gundrak (AEST)
*Jubei'Thos (AEST)
*Barthilas (AEST)
*Frostmourne (AEST)

3. Latin America:

Quel'Thalas (CST)

- - -

Drakkari (CST)
Ragnaros (CST)

4. Brazil:


- - -

Tol Barad
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I am curious. I see people Drenden crossed over from my realm of Cenarius on my Alliance toon amongst many other severs. Will this mean that I will be seeing Arathor people now too or will I stop cross realms go with Drenden?
This even happens on my Horde server. One as full as Bleeding Hollow. From what I understand it depends on the population of zone. For instance, Bendandcough started fishing out of my pool while I was trying to get my LFH last week. How rude!
Is there a list of what servers cross realm with whom?

Really awesome info and well organized. I apparently didn't know of a bunch of my crz's.
I am curious. I see people Drenden crossed over from my realm of Cenarius on my Alliance toon amongst many other severs. Will this mean that I will be seeing Arathor people now too or will I stop cross realms go with Drenden?

Is there a list of what servers cross realm with whom?

It depends on how these servers will be connected. Drenden will either be transferred to the crossrealm group of Arathor which leads to you not seeing people from Drenden anymore or vice versa and you start to see people from Arathor as well.

You mean in the future or what? Because you can take all the information as it is now from my list.

Really awesome info and well organized. I apparently didn't know of a bunch of my crz's.

Thanks :)

Daggerspine also CRZ's with Darkspear

I checked again and to my knowledge it isnt. Why do you think so?
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