Official 19s Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards. Taking Requests!

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Boots Thief
I got bored last night and was told by a few friends to make some Yu-Gi-Oh! cards starring members of the 19 bracket.
Below are the first cards I made, starring; Dirtyauction, Pizza, Yowza, Purloiner, Ishape, Ore, and Curley.
I am trying to keep the card effects legal to the game Yu-Gi-Oh!, but also close to how the person acts (and plays) in reality.
Click on the cards to zoom in and read them! You may get a laugh from 'em!

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If you would like a card created for yourself, PM me with a picture of your twink OR a link to it's armory.


EDIT: The last 3 cards are in a comment below!


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I will make cards again today, So far of Ciren and Cogbrew. Anyone else? Comment / PM MAKE SURE I HAVE A LINK TO YOUR ARMORY / A PICTURE OF YOUR TWINK!! I will also take recommendations (Dorigon and Mocha anyone?)
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I used to work as a yugioh judge and still play the game alot todey. I looked if everything on the cards were writen according to the rules of the game since you said you wanted them to follow the rules, and everything seems fine, its one exeption on the card "Dirtyauction – holy paladin" you made, you should change "normal summoned" to tribute summoned. Since its called tribute summon if you need to tribute monsters to be able to summon it. But everyone would still understand what you ment even if you would keep it as it is right now.

Good job on the artworks, keep it up! If its any question about the rules of the game feel free to ask^^

BTW there is a great site called which is free. There you can play with every single card in the game against anyone you want. Its alot of people there who is great on rulings if you need any help.
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I used to work as a yugioh judge and still play the game alot todey. I looked if everything on the cards were writen according to the rules of the game since you said you wanted them to follow the rules, and everything seems fine, its one exeption on the card "Dirtyauction – holy paladin" you made, you should change "normal summoned" to tribute summoned. Since its called tribute summon if you need to tribute monsters to be able to summon it. But everyone would still understand what you ment even if you would keep it as it is right now.

Good job on the artworks, keep it up! If its any question about the rules of the game feel free to ask^^

BTW there is a great site called which is free. There you can play with every single card in the game against anyone you want. Its alot of people there who is great on rulings if you need any help.
True, although a tribute summon is still a normal summon, and the card says: "Normal Summoned by Tribute..."
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Not posting anymore cards until I get a reply from Mocha, do not want the thread getting closed. Be patient!
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