Elemental Force vs Dancing Steel


I'd like to know which enchant you like the most and why, I see both enchants potential and effectiveness. I like dancing steel more as the dmg is a lot higher and the poison also affects on dmg, I had it tick 452 in wsg withzerker and double dancing steel.

I'm not going to create a poll as I don't care which enchant is the most popular, as said before just which one you like the most and why!
I think it totally depends on which spec you play. EF procs off poisions so it's probably best for assa, while DS is better for sub because of the agi..

not sure though
this, EF is better for quick fights so is spec assas, they match :p
sub is best for long combat, as DS. Also DS procs off hemorrhage, so if you restealth your just gonna two shot your target.
i think i'm gonna play with DS
I pref DS for sub, Procing all the time when you do ambush and procs off hemo.
having an enchant that provides a stat bonus for 12 seconds on a class that lacks any kind of mobility seems kind of counter productive to me
I've played with both some BGs now, DS has slightly better results, than EF also hunters get 2shot from DS, even though it was a close run.

I'm gonna stick with Dancing Steel.
Assassination nightstalker (for 50% increased ambush) with dual EF is the way to go. Not only will your ambushes be around 1100 in yellow hit followed by a 200 white hit but your mutilate will result in around 400 yellow hit damage, 200 poison proc damage followed by 2-4 EF procs for 60-120 per proc = ridiculous amount of damage in just an opener + mutilate.

By all means try your best guess first though, but in a wsg scenario you wouldn't be on the same target for more than 5-10 seconds anyways where assassination provides way more burst on the opener than sub.
Shadow focus anbush + mutilate + mutilate openers, though require one more global to dump an energy bar, equate to 8% more damage than nightstalker ambush + mutilate openers even before factoring in the extra poison and EF procs from using two mutilates instead of one.

In my shadow focus openers EF is consistently equating to 20\ 30% of my damage. With the other specs only 8/12%

shadow focus in terms of opener strength is far and beyond the other specs.
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Shadow focus anbush + mutilate + mutilate openers, though require one more global to dump an energy bar, equate to 8% more damage than nightstalker ambush + mutilate openers even before factoring in the extra poison and EF procs from using two mutilates instead of one.

In my shadow focus openers EF is consistently equating to 20\ 30% of my damage. With the other specs only 8/12%

shadow focus in terms of opener strength is far and beyond the other specs.
Is that factoring in the +50% ambush? I don't really run numbers but it's nice to know someone does!
Okay folks, enough with the fat jokes. Especially from a....ah nvm im not creative enough to come up with a punchline for this haha shout out to DA

On topic: Go with Elemental Force, it's ridiculous at 19.
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