p2p monks with f2p restrictions


Not Important
just got MoP on my p2p account.
was thinking of making a p2p 20 monk with f2p restrictions.
just wondering how the f2p community would feel about that considering that's pretty much what i've been playing lately.
don't want a shitty OP FOTM p2p 20 with no restrictions
wanna monk
would ya'll hate me? (if ya don't already)
even if you go p2p with your monk, youll still get more respect than those huntards so yea f2p restricted monks are totally fine
also @ Goesid you're posts i've noticed have been double lately.. have you talk to a mod about it? or is it just me seeing double o_O
sorry OT- but i have noticed
also, wondering what a good spec is, MW doesn't seem to be too amazing.
BM and WW seem legit, thoughts?
also @ Goesid you're posts i've noticed have been double lately.. have you talk to a mod about it? or is it just me seeing double o_O
sorry OT- but i have noticed

messes up sometimes and wants to send me to another page if i click no it doesnt post if i click yes it sends 2.
also if this is better suited for 20-24 bracket, i'll stop.
just been mainly doing F2P lately and wanted to know how the community felt is all
WW has descent burst, but the AoE stun is beautiful at FR situation.
Brewmaster can AoE slow and has many stuns and ccs
MV is very good once you learn how to play them as they operate differently than other healing classes.

Play what YOU want and don't give 2 thoughts about whether people like it or not. Unless you're a baddy 24 or a fotm p2p 20 just play what YOU like without regret. People will like you when you play an UP class then turn and hate you if it turns OP even though you're the same person playin the same class. So to answer your question yes f2p monk is fine imo. P2p 20 seems fotm imo and 24 is just another 24 :rolleyes: gl
Play what YOU want and don't give 2 thoughts about whether people like it or not. Unless you're a baddy 24 or a fotm p2p 20 just play what YOU like without regret. People will TROLL you when you play a Hunter class then turn and hate you if it has always been OP or border line op even though you're the same clicker playin the same class. So to answer your question yes f2p monk is fine imo. P2p 20 seems fotm imo and 24 is just another 24 :rolleyes: gl


seriously though why do you always bring this up? ....meh i just work up 5 min ago and dont want to think too hard.

Sorry for getting off topic.

Um mw is fantastic . you just have to learn to play it . I would sugjest going to neap's guide in the lvl 19's section as it is a perfect fit for lvl 20 monks as well . you just get detox which is boss.
WW is really squish and tons of fun the stun is really nice bilut kinda hard to land

BM has really nice spammable slows and can grip enemy fcs which is nice

And MW is actually a really good healing spec on e you have boas enveloping mist i think thats your second spell is amazing and hard to dps through
If you plan to queue BGs, I'll let you in on a secret...nobody worth a damn will give a hoot what you play. So do what you want. It's a game.
If you plan to arena, then run that by your buds.

As for specs, WW is squishy. But pretty epic. BM/MW are both solid. Given what the Monk actually has at 20, nobody in their right mind could call you OP.

The class is different but very fun.
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