If 5.4 enchants turn out the worse possible for F2PS, will you stay?

Will you stay?

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It'd be nice to see an increase in arena activity. That's probably the only thing that would keep me here if it's as overpowered as some make it out to be.
if you were here for cata hunters im sure this will not be much worse.
Subbing is an option. Of course, it always has been. From my viewpoint, being a f2p twink since early cata, f2ps are resilient. I'm predicting complaining, but a strong population will still be present. And remember, its still the PTR.
This so funny :D the only enchants that are really too much of a problem are the weapon enchants for casters and duel meleers. The real problem you have no ideal of. If you hated cata hunters then in 5.4 please please keep guns and knives away from yourself. Part 2 of the PTR video is finish is should be up at least in an hour I hope it helps you see what 5.4 may become it shows F2Ps and P2Ps.
if you were here for cata hunters im sure this will not be much worse.


you have no ideal whats in store for you lol

you have no ideal whats in store for you lol

nope. i have not tried ptr and nobody has posted anything saying/showing people having mongoose or anything... i heard it was suppose to be scaled down but everyone is just hush now.
nope. i have not tried ptr and nobody has posted anything saying/showing people having mongoose or anything... i heard it was suppose to be scaled down but everyone is just hush now.

Im mainly talking about hunters with the lols they will do way more damage than a cata hunter and ultimately have to be nerfed after all the complaints from the 24 twinks
nope. i have not tried ptr and nobody has posted anything saying/showing people having mongoose or anything... i heard it was suppose to be scaled down but everyone is just hush now.

24 rogues had bout 850 ap and 40% crit on ptr from reading the thread over there.
It's not a bad idea though...

Seeing blizz is bunching 1-60 into the same enchants, 70-80 then 80-85 and 85-90 I believe this is a very bad idea... It is incredibly stupid to bunch 60 lvs together and would make more sense if they did it by every 5/10 lvs or major expansion. If they keep this 60 lv grouping thing I think it may very well be the end of this bracket cause people can't comprehend how many baddy 24s will be inc and how much 1 shotting will be done..

It's just the PTR though and 5.3 restored some faith in blizz so I'm not jumping the gun yet making 5 threads about datamining but if the current PTR stuff goes live I think it will tremendously hurt this bracket competitively and skillwise cause most/all of the good f2ps will leave more then likely.. This will be NOTHING like cata and will be worse then the shockadin 1 shotting days... We just have to wait and see but I an undecided for now
It is incredibly stupid to bunch 60 lvs together and would make more sense if they did it by every 5/10 lvs or major expansion.

So they should group enchants by:



I think it will tremendously hurt this bracket competitively and skillwise cause most/all of the good f2ps will leave more then likely..

This is where you and I will differ... Most of my *good* games (competitive games) come from playing against some of the better P2Ps, 24s in particular (few and far between, I know). So I don't see that as a real negative. If they all ponied up and did wargames that would be even better, but meh.

However, I can muster up a care for F2P woe, balls for people that can't stomach playing but really want to still.

Anyway, I'm excited to see what the enchants do, not only to this bracket, but some of the other ones as well (10s, 39s, 60s).
So they should group enchants by:



This is where you and I will differ... Most of my *good* games (competitive games) come from playing against some of the better P2Ps, 24s in particular (few and far between, I know). So I don't see that as a real negative. If they all ponied up and did wargames that would be even better, but meh.

However, I can muster up a care for F2P woe, balls for people that can't stomach playing but really want to still.

Anyway, I'm excited to see what the enchants do, not only to this bracket, but some of the other ones as well (10s, 39s, 60s).

you do know that if the f2ps quit this bracket will no longer exist right?... there was never a 20-24 bracket. there was 29's, but i never heard of anyone going to a lower level (like the 10's did in the 10-19 bracket). this is why i was trying to convince people in the 20-24 section to go bring life to another bracket instead of chanting their way to victory.
they are doing scale as of now thru vanilla, bc, wrath, cata , mop. future patches they will be breaking it up more. People who leave bracket wont be missed. As far as good f2ps leaving lol . the really good ones stop playing long ago. The only really good ones now are above average compared to the older ones. I'll leave a message for f2p's thinking about leaving " Grow a Pair ".

/playing the world's smallest violin
The bracket will "exist" as long as trials are capped at 20, but you'll only see f2ps from Quel' Thelas, Gallywix, Tol'Borad, etc.
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