I just Oppened a ticket to ask blizzard for some jokes lol !
Me : Its been along time since i laughed so please can u tell me 3 or 4 jokes pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee , I love u allll !
Its a lie sure !
GM Voronestra : Hello,
This is Account & Technical Services Representative Randy with Blizzard Entertainment
I wanted to follow up on your recent issue.
This might be a bit long but I hope this helps I been collecting this for a while.
Draenei Jokes
· What did the Draenei say to each other after the Exodar crashed? "I guess we are 'hoofing' it."
Dwarf Jokes
· A dwarf walks out of a bar.
· How do you keep dwarfs out of a bar?
o Put a sign up saying 'Axes Denied'.
· How do you get a Dwarf on your roof?
o Tell him drinks are on the house!
· How many dwarves does to take to change a lightbulb?
o 5. One to hold the lightbulb and four to drink until the room spins
Gnome Jokes
· Knock knock!
o Who's there?
o A gnome! I can't reach the doorbell...
· How many gnomes does it take to paint the Orgrimmar Auction House?
o Depends how hard you throw them.
· What do you call 3 gnomes at the bottom of Loch Modan?
o A good start.
· What do you call a gnome in a field with 20 tauren?
o A football match.
· What do you call a Gnome with no arms or legs, and who likes to swim?
o Bob.
· What do you call a psychic Gnome who just escaped from jail?
o A small medium at large!
· What is better than 10 Gnomes in a barrel?
o 1 Gnome in 10 barrels!
· How do you tell if a gnome is a good one?
o 1. You throw him down from the top of Mulgore, if he bounces all the way back up, the gnome is good for punting.
o 2. You throw him down from the top of the great lift. This doesn't really tell if the gnome is good, but it's always entertaining to hear the splash of a gnome.
o 3. Silly question, all gnomes are evil!
· What does a Troll musician use to keep time while practicing his music?
o A Metro-Gnome!
· What’s the difference between a gnome and a trampoline?
o You take your boots off to jump on a trampoline
· Why can’t Gnomes be Paladins?
o Because they can’t reach the Light! ^_^
· Two troll priests walk into a bar. The gnome priest walked under it
· What's the difference between an accident and a tragedy?
o An accident is a ship full of gnomes sinking. A tragedy is if they can swim.
· A gnome who just joined a nudist colony only two weeks ago was asked to leave because he kept poking his nose into everybody's business.
· How many gnomes does it take to paint a wall?
o 100- 1 to hold the brush, 99 to contrive an impractical device to move the wall back and forth.
· How many gnomes does it take to paint a house?
o Depends on how hard you throw them.
Goblin Jokes
· How did the goblin barber win the race? He knew a short cut!
Orc Jokes
· Why are orcs such good gardeners? Green thumbs.
Tauren Jokes
· What do undead Tauren say?
o Boo.
· What do you call a Tauren with no legs?
o Ground Beef
· What do you call a Tauren in a Gnome's house?
o Stuck!
· What do you call heavy rain in Thunder Bluff?
o Taurential rain
· What do Tauren Warriors have in common with bankers?
o A Cow Taunt
· What do you call a Tauren with only one leg?
o Lean Beef.
· What do you call it when Deathwing wreaks havoc on Thundebluff?
o A Cattle-clysm!
· What do you call a sleepy Tauren?
o A bulldozer
· What did the male tauren say to the female tauren on their first date?
o "You're so beautiful, I can't look pasteurize"
· Why are there no waiters in restaurants in Thunder Bluff?
o They all quit when they heard they’d be tipped
· What do you get when u feed a Tauren dynamite? Abominable (Say it slowly)
· What did the Tauren say to his only male heir when he left for Bloodhoof Village?
o Bison
· A Tauren walks into a bar. The bartender says, "we don't serve steak here."
Troll Jokes
· Two trolls are eating a clown. One stops, looks up and asks "Hey mon, does dis be tasting funny tah ya?"
Undead Jokes
· Why didn't the undead cross the road together with the chicken?
o He didn't have the guts.
· What do you call an undead with a shameless love for bad jokes?
o Pundead.
· What’s the difference between an Undead Male and 150 pounds of cow dung?
o One’s a disgusting, malodorous pile of disease-ridden filth and the other’s just manure.
· What do Forsaken eat after getting a tooth pulled?
o The dentist
· I love the new Forsaken quests. They're jaw-dropping.
Worgen Jokes
· What do you call a Worgen drowning his sorrows in a pint of ale?
o A Wolf-in-Stein
· A worgen with a strangely texan accent runs into a bar, growling. He declares ''Don't anybody move, i'm looking for the hombre that shot mah paw.”
· What do you call a Worgan with no legs?
o Anything you want, he won't come to you.
Death Knight Jokes
· How did the Frost DK win the rap battle?
o They blingged their Chains of Ice, and their Rimes kept proccing.
Druid Jokes
· Why did the druid sell his boots?
o He preferred to go Bear-foot!
· How does a moonkin get a haircut?
o Eclipse it!
· What do you call a moonwell with druids in it
o A HoT-tub
· A feral Druid tank walks into a bar and asks the barman for a drink. The barman says "We have beer lager or water, what will it be?" The feral druid tank replies "I will have ........................................................... a beer, please."
o The Barman says: "Why the big paws?"
· What did the Warrior say to his girlfriend when he got caught tanking raids for a resto Druid?
o "I couldn't help it, she had the HoTs for me!!"
· How many worgen druids do you need to get a cat into a tree? 3, one to be the worgen, one to be the cat and one to be the tree.
· What do you call a resto druid in the Brawlers Guild?
o A combat log!
· How does a druid cut his hair?
o Eclipse it.
· What do you call a druid with no eyes?
o A drud
· What’s a druid’s favorite drink?
o Moonshine
Hunter Jokes
· Why are hunters terrible photographers? They're always out of focus
Paladin Jokes
· Why did the Paladin go to The Undercity?
o He thought he was Turning Undead
· What do you get if you put a hundred Paladins in the Dalaran fountain (or Goldshire lake, etc)?
o A bubble bath.
· How many rogues do you need to kill a Paladin?
o 2. One to attack him and the other to wait stealthed at the inn.
· What's the difference between Paladins and Chickens?
o Nothing, they both go BoK BoK BoK....
· What did James Bond name his Paladin?
o Bubbleoseven!
· Why doesn't a Paladin need any batteries?
o He already has a charger.
· How many Paladins does it take to change a light bulb?
o Two. One to hold up the ladder and another to uphold the light.
· How did the paladin start losing weight?
o He was eating light.
Priest Jokes
· Why don’t priests get invited out to dinner like paladins do?
o Priests can’t use plate.
· What do you call a priest with the Chef title?
o Bobby Mind Flay
· How many Disc priests does it take to change a light bulb?
o Doesn't matter, they can't Lightwell anyway!
Rogue Jokes
· What is the best way to talk to a rogue?
o From a distance
· What do you call a tauren rogue?
o Invisibull!
Warlock Jokes
· What does a noob and a rogue have in common?
o They both pick locks
Warrior Jokes
· Why didn't the Warrior cross the road?
o "Path Not Available"
Hope you Enjoyed them if you have any others that you can think of let us know.
Account & Technical Services Representative Randy
Customer Services
Blizzard Entertainment
http://battle.net/support .
I did this some ofcause my lv 90f riends were afraid of Oppening this kind of ticket . LOL!
Me : Its been along time since i laughed so please can u tell me 3 or 4 jokes pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee , I love u allll !
Its a lie sure !
GM Voronestra : Hello,
This is Account & Technical Services Representative Randy with Blizzard Entertainment
I wanted to follow up on your recent issue.
This might be a bit long but I hope this helps I been collecting this for a while.
Draenei Jokes
· What did the Draenei say to each other after the Exodar crashed? "I guess we are 'hoofing' it."
Dwarf Jokes
· A dwarf walks out of a bar.
· How do you keep dwarfs out of a bar?
o Put a sign up saying 'Axes Denied'.
· How do you get a Dwarf on your roof?
o Tell him drinks are on the house!
· How many dwarves does to take to change a lightbulb?
o 5. One to hold the lightbulb and four to drink until the room spins
Gnome Jokes
· Knock knock!
o Who's there?
o A gnome! I can't reach the doorbell...
· How many gnomes does it take to paint the Orgrimmar Auction House?
o Depends how hard you throw them.
· What do you call 3 gnomes at the bottom of Loch Modan?
o A good start.
· What do you call a gnome in a field with 20 tauren?
o A football match.
· What do you call a Gnome with no arms or legs, and who likes to swim?
o Bob.
· What do you call a psychic Gnome who just escaped from jail?
o A small medium at large!
· What is better than 10 Gnomes in a barrel?
o 1 Gnome in 10 barrels!
· How do you tell if a gnome is a good one?
o 1. You throw him down from the top of Mulgore, if he bounces all the way back up, the gnome is good for punting.
o 2. You throw him down from the top of the great lift. This doesn't really tell if the gnome is good, but it's always entertaining to hear the splash of a gnome.
o 3. Silly question, all gnomes are evil!
· What does a Troll musician use to keep time while practicing his music?
o A Metro-Gnome!
· What’s the difference between a gnome and a trampoline?
o You take your boots off to jump on a trampoline
· Why can’t Gnomes be Paladins?
o Because they can’t reach the Light! ^_^
· Two troll priests walk into a bar. The gnome priest walked under it
· What's the difference between an accident and a tragedy?
o An accident is a ship full of gnomes sinking. A tragedy is if they can swim.
· A gnome who just joined a nudist colony only two weeks ago was asked to leave because he kept poking his nose into everybody's business.
· How many gnomes does it take to paint a wall?
o 100- 1 to hold the brush, 99 to contrive an impractical device to move the wall back and forth.
· How many gnomes does it take to paint a house?
o Depends on how hard you throw them.
Goblin Jokes
· How did the goblin barber win the race? He knew a short cut!
Orc Jokes
· Why are orcs such good gardeners? Green thumbs.
Tauren Jokes
· What do undead Tauren say?
o Boo.
· What do you call a Tauren with no legs?
o Ground Beef
· What do you call a Tauren in a Gnome's house?
o Stuck!
· What do you call heavy rain in Thunder Bluff?
o Taurential rain
· What do Tauren Warriors have in common with bankers?
o A Cow Taunt
· What do you call a Tauren with only one leg?
o Lean Beef.
· What do you call it when Deathwing wreaks havoc on Thundebluff?
o A Cattle-clysm!
· What do you call a sleepy Tauren?
o A bulldozer
· What did the male tauren say to the female tauren on their first date?
o "You're so beautiful, I can't look pasteurize"
· Why are there no waiters in restaurants in Thunder Bluff?
o They all quit when they heard they’d be tipped
· What do you get when u feed a Tauren dynamite? Abominable (Say it slowly)
· What did the Tauren say to his only male heir when he left for Bloodhoof Village?
o Bison
· A Tauren walks into a bar. The bartender says, "we don't serve steak here."
Troll Jokes
· Two trolls are eating a clown. One stops, looks up and asks "Hey mon, does dis be tasting funny tah ya?"
Undead Jokes
· Why didn't the undead cross the road together with the chicken?
o He didn't have the guts.
· What do you call an undead with a shameless love for bad jokes?
o Pundead.
· What’s the difference between an Undead Male and 150 pounds of cow dung?
o One’s a disgusting, malodorous pile of disease-ridden filth and the other’s just manure.
· What do Forsaken eat after getting a tooth pulled?
o The dentist
· I love the new Forsaken quests. They're jaw-dropping.
Worgen Jokes
· What do you call a Worgen drowning his sorrows in a pint of ale?
o A Wolf-in-Stein
· A worgen with a strangely texan accent runs into a bar, growling. He declares ''Don't anybody move, i'm looking for the hombre that shot mah paw.”
· What do you call a Worgan with no legs?
o Anything you want, he won't come to you.
Death Knight Jokes
· How did the Frost DK win the rap battle?
o They blingged their Chains of Ice, and their Rimes kept proccing.
Druid Jokes
· Why did the druid sell his boots?
o He preferred to go Bear-foot!
· How does a moonkin get a haircut?
o Eclipse it!
· What do you call a moonwell with druids in it
o A HoT-tub
· A feral Druid tank walks into a bar and asks the barman for a drink. The barman says "We have beer lager or water, what will it be?" The feral druid tank replies "I will have ........................................................... a beer, please."
o The Barman says: "Why the big paws?"
· What did the Warrior say to his girlfriend when he got caught tanking raids for a resto Druid?
o "I couldn't help it, she had the HoTs for me!!"
· How many worgen druids do you need to get a cat into a tree? 3, one to be the worgen, one to be the cat and one to be the tree.
· What do you call a resto druid in the Brawlers Guild?
o A combat log!
· How does a druid cut his hair?
o Eclipse it.
· What do you call a druid with no eyes?
o A drud
· What’s a druid’s favorite drink?
o Moonshine
Hunter Jokes
· Why are hunters terrible photographers? They're always out of focus
Paladin Jokes
· Why did the Paladin go to The Undercity?
o He thought he was Turning Undead
· What do you get if you put a hundred Paladins in the Dalaran fountain (or Goldshire lake, etc)?
o A bubble bath.
· How many rogues do you need to kill a Paladin?
o 2. One to attack him and the other to wait stealthed at the inn.
· What's the difference between Paladins and Chickens?
o Nothing, they both go BoK BoK BoK....
· What did James Bond name his Paladin?
o Bubbleoseven!
· Why doesn't a Paladin need any batteries?
o He already has a charger.
· How many Paladins does it take to change a light bulb?
o Two. One to hold up the ladder and another to uphold the light.
· How did the paladin start losing weight?
o He was eating light.
Priest Jokes
· Why don’t priests get invited out to dinner like paladins do?
o Priests can’t use plate.
· What do you call a priest with the Chef title?
o Bobby Mind Flay
· How many Disc priests does it take to change a light bulb?
o Doesn't matter, they can't Lightwell anyway!
Rogue Jokes
· What is the best way to talk to a rogue?
o From a distance
· What do you call a tauren rogue?
o Invisibull!
Warlock Jokes
· What does a noob and a rogue have in common?
o They both pick locks
Warrior Jokes
· Why didn't the Warrior cross the road?
o "Path Not Available"
Hope you Enjoyed them if you have any others that you can think of let us know.
Account & Technical Services Representative Randy
Customer Services
Blizzard Entertainment
http://battle.net/support .
I did this some ofcause my lv 90f riends were afraid of Oppening this kind of ticket . LOL!