Lets queue, Btag style!

Re: LF Healz

We can determine if we have a game with Pizza via the stream if he chooses to stream when he queues still.

I'll be streaming whenever I am queuing on my 19s for the most part until July.

Here is why i am going to tell you why it's worth the time. Pizza queues with a group of great players who he has had years of practice with, so obviously they are going to rape face. However when you get in a game with the same amount of skilled players as him, it tends to be a lot funner. Now imagine if we were all in skype, same as Pizza and his crew, imagine the games we could have then.

I am editing the main part of the thread to make it more of a recruitment type thing.

Exactly, games will be much more fun and competitive if both sides have groups queuing.

Good luck with forming Battletag groups. Hope to see you guys in the Gulch real soon.
Re: LF Healz

o.o the name suits you, i have been on turalyon since end of wrath and never knew there was a twink guild. do you know of any horde counterparts i could look into joining?

I believe SOLDIER is coming over from zul'jin to turalyon horde, so prolly :)
BTag Games

As i am sure you all know Pizza and friends have been queuing a lot lately. What iv'e noticed is that about 9/10 games on whatever faction he chooses to play he facerolls. I am not saying that we don't get good games because of him and i don't want him to stop queuing. What i am saying though is that to promote better games and more activity we need to get organized. So i am proposing BTag games. It would be best if you had a toon of both factions so we can switch whenever queues get slow on popping or when we ourselves are facerolling.

Aside from just Battleground chat i would like voice communication. So if someone has Vent we could use it would be much preferred over Skype, however we can Skype if no one has a vent we can use. If you only have one toon of a certain faction i am sure we can work something out. I will be Frapsing some of the better looking games we get in and i am sure we could get a nice video up.

Battletag: Shadowbane#1352, We can determine if we have a game with Pizza via the stream if he chooses to stream when he queues still.

*Please be geared, if you want to add me to know the kind of gear you should have i will tell you. Otherwise you will be wasting time being undergeared.

- many of the games that look like pugs are actually not, you do not need players from one realm to premade, these new games i call pug-mades
- 9/10 games the players you mention are generally carried by full support which they ensure game to game. if not they AFK and win-log
- which ever faction is getting farmed just stops queing, after the ques get to long for one side, the group you mention win-logs and reverses the farm, rinse/repeat
- speaking of organized, you made sure tonight you were win-logging whichever side had the better grouping
- most have dual faction rolled toons, but unless you have the timing down to get a cracker crumb slot, ques are painfully long.
- switch to your other faction tune, and you just add a player to a game due to GY farming, this stops the BG clock for a team having too few players.
- if certain players do what they have in the past, they will get a player (spy) in your vent/skype and counter what you are doing, not to face you, but to que on your side. they maybe won't get into the same game, but be running paralel to yours
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- many of the games that look like pugs are actually not, you do not need players from one realm to premade, these new games i call pug-mades
- 9/10 games the players you mention are generally carried by full support which they ensure game to game. if not they AFK and win-log
- which ever faction is getting farmed just stops queing, after the ques get to long for one side, the group you mention win-logs and reverses the farm, rinse/repeat
- speaking of organized, you made sure tonight you were win-logging whichever side had the better grouping
- most have dual faction rolled toons, but unless you have the timing down to get a cracker crumb slot, ques are painfully long.
- switch to your other faction tune, and you just add a player to a game due to GY farming, this stops the BG clock for a team having too few players.
- if certain players do what they have in the past, they will get a player (spy) in your vent/skype and counter what you are doing, not to face you, but to que on your side. they maybe won't get into the same game, but be running paralel to yours
-Never said players from the same realm were a premade, i merely suggested battletag groups for more competitive games.
-Alot of people queue the faction that is losing for a more competitive game.
-I didn't winlog once. Pizza was Alli so i got a group together, then he went horde and i went Alli and got a group together. Then Pizza went Alli again and me and 1 other person went Horde. After that i didn't queue until 2AM and only then did i do one game.
-There have been 2 games going a lot recently so queue time are pretty short. After i went horde later in the night i was getting insta pops.
-Lastly i find it unlikely that someone could "spy" on us in vent for the simple reason that i know most the people i have queued with so far, but obviously there are some people i don't know. But if someone wants to "spy" thats fine, we could get on PIzzas stream and spy on him but i like to play shit as it comes. It's a lot funner that way.

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