Great Games Tonight


Just got done with 6 or so wsg's.. great fun to be had.

Still figuring out restro druid....

Seems like all 24s post midnight.
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Seems like all 24s post midnight.

I find the better games (ones with 24s) happen after midnight. It's a pretty solid time to play.

For example:

Hated chasing you last night, try to throw out more roots, that's the difference between an average RDruid and a great one Imo.

- Ki
I'm not a great one.. first time ever playing restro at any level.. good games today too though i found my self being a jack ass and just jumping around spamming rejuv and not dying.
Lol then pick up flag get globalled by a holy pally, shadow priest,and brewmaster monk combo. hey atleast you didn't do what Lil does and just sit in alliance fr and wait and see if u can pick off a stragler.
Not sure why they do that. But some bail at a challenge which means they only play facerolls. How fun

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Please learn to pass the flag, Saptastic.

Why did you have to afk? :/ I realize that my team was a full sanct premade but you also had a couple pugged 24s (or maybe you q'd with em? idk) so the match was really close but that afk at the end kinda ruined it... Ya'll played a great close game and a win or loss on the stat sheet shouldn't matter enough to afk in the last 3s of a bg
a win or loss on the stat sheet shouldn't matter enough to afk in the last 3s of a bg

Don't think win/loss on the armory matters to anyone other than Duo.

AFKing in the last 3 secs however... that takes a fair amount of skill, timing and unshakeable concentration.
Why did you have to afk? :/ I realize that my team was a full sanct premade but you also had a couple pugged 24s (or maybe you q'd with em? idk) so the match was really close but that afk at the end kinda ruined it... Ya'll played a great close game and a win or loss on the stat sheet shouldn't matter enough to afk in the last 3s of a bg

I queued with two. We have found two to be the optimal number to queue with. Mostly AFK'd due to disgust at my team.
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I rather Win than Lose any day Sally, and i'm pretty sure 100% of everyone rather win that lose. So that statement isn't accurate.
"Don't think win/loss on the armory matters to anyone other than Duo"

Played today and got tortured by two f2p shamans... who made sure my hots were useless.. I'm so glad to be back in this bracket again.. I wish people would play more objectively.. but i need to learn just like xp on Random BG's it's a crap shoot.
Atleast say from the beginning.. hey guys i don't plan on helping team.. then we won't need to bother grabbing flag . we can all stay mid and farm...
Objectives make the game more fun, which some people don't seem to want...

Guarding a 5 stack flag carrier hoping your offence will kill theirs first, winning by 10 points in AB, mind controlling a healer off LM cliff to turn the tide of a fight...? Nah, I'd rather GY camp.


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