oh well..a week from now no one will even remember this thread despite its desperate cry out for attention..out with the old and in with the new
Typical response.
oh well..a week from now no one will even remember this thread despite its desperate cry out for attention..out with the old and in with the new
Typical response.
typical complaint of a quitting mod..piss off already. you failed at ur "volunteer" job. id say thx for volunteering, but u didnt do anytihng worth thanking. work on ur sigs and avatars some more plz
typical complaint of a quitting mod..piss off already. you failed at ur "volunteer" job. id say thx for volunteering, but u didnt do anytihng worth thanking. work on ur sigs and avatars some more plz
WTS Kleenex Tissue Paper. pst
well if the social environment around me had such a negative imapct on me that I was unable to keep up with my work, and left, would I be the one to blame? Obviously I didn't leave because I wanted to, but the people I helped gave me no other option by their unthankfulness. Because I think that's exactly the case right here.
ur more likely to sell chiclets on the streets of tj
ur more likely to sell chiclets on the streets of tj
sweet. any more accurate information? the color of the sky perhaps? your foavorite food? oh wait, your alpha and omega, i totally forgot.
i still dont see how emotionally unstable someone would have to be in order to give up what they do because some people aren't satisfied with it
if the social environment around you has such a negative impact on you that you are unable to keep up with your work, its probably that u have been threatened and thus you have a legitimate reason to leave
if you want to better a place, you better it without bitching about what others think
watch i can come across as pathetic too:
u were doing fine already, keep it up
edit: nice double post
Sketchbag still an annoying jerkjob - gives me douchechills just reading his cringeworthy posts. Please go away for more than a week. Out with the bad.
perfect time to chime in. ur i guess it was inevitibull right? whats that, like 3 times now?
always quick to point out the obvious, why not enlighten us with your interest in becoming a mod? you cry out for them quite frequently, why not embark on the daunting task hmmm?