Quitting Moderator / Bracket Manager

Then sir, you have one unique way to look at it. Volunteer work is helping someone else without getting paid. Ofcourse you want to feel appriciated for what you do, it's in the human nature to do so. If someone is happy and thank you, that's also getting appriciated. It's not just about having someone say "You're doing a good job here, Bob!", it's also about having someone say thank you, or just give you a smile.

A kid wants to be appriciated by his mother.
A working man/woman wants to have the boss say "Well done!" or give a smile to them.
A student want his teacher to say "This sure was some good work!"

And ofcourse a volunteer wants to have someone tell him it's going good, or just a simple thing like "Thank you". We're all human, and it's something we all crave in one way or the oher.

I'm not going to discuss this anymore, as it's just of-topic and i think the OP deserves better.


Doesn't exist a single person that doesn't want to feel appriciated, even a priest has the need to feel liked/loves and appriciated. It might not come out through his work, but one way or the other we have to fill that glass in ourself. We're all humans in the end, and we all have the same natural needs, some just more than others.

Anyway, now we're getting onto moral and ethics, which i don' think belong here :)
Then sir, you have one unique way to look at it. Volunteer work is helping someone else without getting paid. Ofcourse you want to feel appriciated for what you do, it's in the human nature to do so. If someone is happy and thank you, that's also getting appriciated. It's not just about having someone say "You're doing a good job here, Bob!", it's also about having someone say thank you, or just give you a smile.

A kid wants to be appriciated by his mother.
A working man/woman wants to have the boss say "Well done!" or give a smile to them.
A student want his teacher to say "This sure was some good work!"

And ofcourse a volunteer wants to have someone tell him it's going good, or just a simple thing like "Thank you". We're all human, and it's something we all crave in one way or the oher.

I'm not going to discuss this anymore, as it's just of-topic and i think the OP deserves better.

im sorry but this is completely irrelevant on so many levels

if you become a moderator at twinkinfo, and you have applied for it, what r your goals, what do you want to achieve

are you doing it to earn appreciation from the twinks, or to better the website

someone quitting after a month likely doesnt do it to better the website considering thats a process that should take longer

if you're becoming a moderator on a website for a small group of world of warcraft players - only to feel appreciated, ur @ d wrong place

I don't know, I mean like, just because you're doing volunteer work, that doesn't mean you shouldn't eat crap. if I help my neighbour out I atleast expect him to say thank you..

does your "volunteerk work" (helping your neighbour) count in irritating a crowd of people where u work?

because if not, then its not a valid comparision
goat post tbh
does your "volunteerk work" (helping your neighbour) count in irritating a crowd of people where u work?

because if not, then its not a valid comparision

idk you talked about volunteer work and I've always been taught that it's something postive. if he harms more than he helps, then I think something else than volunteer-work would be more approriate :)

EDIT: and I should clarify that I agree with you 100% on the part where moderating TI is one's own choice and there are 50 members that would kill for that position.
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a volunteer doesnt have 2 b positive if we're talking definition, its just some1 who offers their services without requesting anything in return

and this work shouldnt b done for attention or appreciation, it should be cause u want to actually better something (mostly cus ur interested in it and want to see change)

a moderator quitting his job because he feels he hasnt been appreciated is likely not a good moderator because instead of adjusting his actions to please as many as he can he just quits

volunteer work for years to help starving children in africa is probably because you feel sorry for them and want to better their circumstances
volunteer work for one week to help starving children in africa and then quitting is probably cause you wanted attention/appreciation

All I see here is the jealousy of other EU players who were passed over for a better man.
Stavie this is sad news you were very fair in your choices but it is completely understandable. Every Forum does turn into a flame war, this forum as a whole isnt like it use to be. Trolls lurk here so much more that you cant have a actual discussion. Twinkinfo is went from being a informative website to a social site that is run bye trolls. Just know I am thankful for the work you did and wish you luck in your future endeavours.
a volunteer doesnt have 2 b positive if we're talking definition, its just some1 who offers their services without requesting anything in return

and this work shouldnt b done for attention or appreciation, it should be cause u want to actually better something (mostly cus ur interested in it and want to see change)

a moderator quitting his job because he feels he hasnt been appreciated is likely not a good moderator because instead of adjusting his actions to please as many as he can he just quits

volunteer work for years to help starving children in africa is probably because you feel sorry for them and want to better their circumstances
volunteer work for one week to help starving children in africa and then quitting is probably cause you wanted attention/appreciation


You ramble.
a volunteer doesnt have 2 b positive if we're talking definition, its just some1 who offers their services without requesting anything in return

and this work shouldnt b done for attention or appreciation, it should be cause u want to actually better something (mostly cus ur interested in it and want to see change)

a moderator quitting his job because he feels he hasnt been appreciated is likely not a good moderator because instead of adjusting his actions to please as many as he can he just quits

volunteer work for years to help starving children in africa is probably because you feel sorry for them and want to better their circumstances
volunteer work for one week to help starving children in africa and then quitting is probably cause you wanted attention/appreciation


I know people who have went to africa to volunteer, and i know people that volunteer at the church. What people don't seem to understand is that everyone have their personal reason for doing what they do.

Person #37 went to africa because he wanted to help people, trying to make their life better and put a smile on their lips. By doing this he feels better about himself, he feels that he has done something for the world to make a better place. By making the world a better place, it's something he can enjoy himself, his children and grand children can enjoy it and it also makes people happier and in return that makes people around him happier and that makes him happier. People appriciate his help, they smile at him and not only does he help them, but they also help him by returning the happiness. Benig happy is contagious, if one person is happy then people around him wil also be happier.

1.)This person has helped hundreds of people, and he has done so for 4 years. He has helpt rebuild towns, and made roads for people to walk on. He has done more for this world than most people have, and does his work get less recognized or praised by the fact that he also had a gain from doing it?

2.) This person ends up coming to a place where he gets spat upon, he gets verbally abused and he gets pushed away by the people. He tries to his best abilities to help, but after three hard months here he starts noticing that it is also affecting him, in a bad way. Nothing is getting done, they won't let him help them, and he's gettin sad and slightly depressed by this. In the end he leaves the town, does this make him a bad volunteer?

Where i'm trying to get with this, is that we all have a reason for doing what we do. We might not know it, but it is there. If we didn't get something out of doing something, we wouldn't do it, it's that simple. Somewhere in our sub concious it pleases us to do certain things, and it boosts our morale and happiness along with others. Help someone else, help you.

Every single person that volunteers, does so for a reason. And once that reason isn't there anymore, or it's turning into something negative, they will eventaully stop or burn themself out. This does not make their work less valuable than someone elses.

Sorry for the long post. This is a conversation i have quite a bit with my students. And i have grown up in a family with many priests, and trust me when i say that no one is a saint. We all have our own personal reasons for doing what we do.
a volunteer doesnt have 2 b positive if we're talking definition, its just some1 who offers their services without requesting anything in return

and this work shouldnt b done for attention or appreciation, it should be cause u want to actually better something (mostly cus ur interested in it and want to see change)

a moderator quitting his job because he feels he hasnt been appreciated is likely not a good moderator because instead of adjusting his actions to please as many as he can he just quits

volunteer work for years to help starving children in africa is probably because you feel sorry for them and want to better their circumstances
volunteer work for one week to help starving children in africa and then quitting is probably cause you wanted attention/appreciation


well basically if I helped starving kids in africa and got spit on I'd say fuck you and go home to sweden lol

does that make me a bad person?
well basically if I helped starving kids in africa and got spit on I'd say fuck you and go home to sweden lol

does that make me a bad person?

obviously doesnt make you a bad person, but its concrete proof that you didnt care about the children in the first place considering you give up when people give you shit for it

if you really want to better their circumstances you dont give up if people tell you to
obviously doesnt make you a bad person, but its concrete proof that you didnt care about the children in the first place considering you give up when people give you shit for it

if you really want to better their circumstances you dont give up if people tell you to

well if the social environment around me had such a negative imapct on me that I was unable to keep up with my work, and left, would I be the one to blame? Obviously I didn't leave because I wanted to, but the people I helped gave me no other option by their unthankfulness. Because I think that's exactly the case right here.
well if the social environment around me had such a negative imapct on me that I was unable to keep up with my work, and left, would I be the one to blame? Obviously I didn't leave because I wanted to, but the people I helped gave me no other option by their unthankfulness. Because I think that's exactly the case right here.

100% Agree with you here.

We can't save everyone, and we have to remember to help ourself also. If you're not happy yourself, then you can't help others. If you work in that kind of environment you'll end up depressed, and then you're not only doing things sour for yourself, you'll do it for others around you.

The fact that you stop, doesn't make you a bad person, neither does it make your work less than someone elses. People that have volunteered, should be praised for what they have done, no matter if it's a month, two months or a year. You shouldn't say "You're bad, because you couldn't handle it any longer, you don't care about us!" You should instead say "Thank you for the time you spent, making this a better place.

So we should say "Thank you for your time as a moderator, and we're glad that you spent your free time on helping us".

Instead of saying "Trololo, you were bad and you could have been so much better!"

To sum this thread into one sentence. "What is this? You only gave me 20 euro? And now you're leaving? I WANT 1 000 EUROS!" Take your damn 20 euro, say thank you and be happy about it.

I haven't spent enough time to know you, but i would like to thank you for the time you spent here Stavie, trying to make this into a better place to be and visit.
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oh well..a week from now no one will even remember this thread despite its desperate cry out for attention..out with the old and in with the new
i hope it all works out like you want it to i hope it all works out like you want it to i hope it all works out like you want it to i hope it all works out like you want it to i hope it all works out like you want it to i hope it all works out like you want it to i hope it all works out like you want it to i hope it all works out like you want it to i hope it all works out like you want it to i hope it all works out like you want it to i hope it all works out like you want it to

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