"Useful Hunter Pets for CC."


Gang shit
Could anyone give me some useful pets for CC, preferably some that stun or silence for long durations.

Using moth atm.
Crane is BiS for arenas... have to be panda for it doe :(
Bats and Wasp have a 2 sec stun.
Monkeys have a 4 sec blind but is not as good as Crane's lullaby since it DRs with scatter and has a cast time.
Dunno about silences :eek:

In that order of awesomesauce.
I currently use the wasp, it's great for interrupting healers, but also peeling melee.
The 45 sec cooldown is WIN.

Tried the others but prefer WASP still.
Outside of interrupting casters, I like birds of prey ... only disarm (10 sec) in the 20 bracket, along with the voidwalker's spell. You disarm another hunter, he could have 2 wasps out at once, and it still won't save him.
welll since you are SV and since every (smart) F2P hunt in the world is gonna be SV come 5.3 I would go with one of the following


Wasp should be obsolete since the only reason it should be used atm is if you are BM so it doesn't DR with intim but come 5.3 there won't be intim so bat>wasp without a doubt

Edit: feel free to check the pet section of the guide! or the hunter thread... Wtb some love for bigs effort :(
The Crocolisk is my favorite pet: 50% movement reduction for 6 seconds on a 10 seconds cool-down.

I only play in pugs, and on my hunter I mainly do three things:

- keep the enemy healer(s) away from the dps pack, by constantly slowing them down; pet slow on one healer and concussion on another;
- prevent the efc to get out of my base-zone-area by slowing him/her down, until reinforcements arrive at the scene; if the efc is a druid, concussion is not enough and that's when ankle crack becomes very useful;
- peel incoming packs for flag, just outside the tunnel area and kite them to our gy, with the purpose to split them up; crocolisk's slow works very well against rogues: if they use evasion and come after you, the pet will end up on their back - your concussion will never work, but the ankle thing will.

I know I'm a minority, but that's how I'm able to help my team the best :D
Everyone seems to forget about Basiliks, who happen to have a Cyclone-like ability which petrifies someone for 3 sec (immune to heal/damage and stunned) and is on a 1 min cd, always useful for clutch kills especially in Arena or Premade!

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