5 People You Don't Want To See In Battlegrounds

As much as I love Zarastelle, when she gets on her rogue she is one tough cookie. I don't even care if 24 rogues are about... Zarastelle's usually the biggest threat to your flag carrier. I just wish she'd stop carrying Faith and Lith, they don't deserve her.
As much as I love Zarastelle, when she gets on her rogue she is one tough cookie. I don't even care if 24 rogues are about... Zarastelle's usually the biggest threat to your flag carrier. I just wish she'd stop carrying Faith and Lith, they don't deserve her.
you do realize zarastelle is not F2P, right?
probably upgraded after throwing a fuss at me a couple of times after a prevented wat rogues do best( return the flags.wen I had 10 stacks....),

Again I was doing the usual profitable agricultural activity I do
to introduce myself , i played f2p back in cata , nelf rogue - Åssassìn,also i played my mage alot back then known as Wizard, (alliance ap), i made a dumb decision to go p2p and now i regret it cuz 24 is so boring, now i play a f2p human rogue named Voc on ap ally and the most skilled/awesome in my eyes thru my experience so far is :
Zoologist- troll hunter ( was like the first hunter on horde i saw that was geared and played objectively , didn't backpedddle)
Zerazna- belf rogue (killed lots of alliance FCs)
Tkatii- tauren druidd (best fc imo, hard to catch, clever)
Morgana- belf pally (seemed to lead her team well)
Mialu- belf mage (in simple terms, very skilled mage)
Devxo- Nelf rogue (best f2p rogue in bgs imo)
Meldqt- nelf rogue (best rogue in duels/arenas imo)
Sliceyall- nelf warrior ( consistent, was first cool looking warrior i met)
Mirenelle- nelf warrior (plays well in bgs , fun to have on your team)
Hu- human warlock (first lock i lost to in cata, love the vids, skilled lock, won't meet many like him)
Suroti- nelf druid (fun to play with, plays well objecitvely)
Cherrypi- dranei hunter (used to organize alot of 10 mans in cata, was amazing but so scary when on opposite team)
Penancegg- human priest (played his priest very well, rarely messed up in duels or bgs)
Onkenkonkel- dwarf shammy (OP resto shammy, first toon i ever saw with 2 agms)

Well, thats my experience, nice to meet you guys, hope this bg thing gets fixed so more fun can happen, srry for the spelling
Hunters - Lofi,Falanks, Mialol, Cherrypi

Mages - Mialu, Shaurooke,Watergun, Veint

Warlocks - Oozeevil, Hue, Salfir

Priests - Veinte, Ultranumb, Lecavalier, Kochi

Druids - Cer, Bendandcough, Kahrhappens, Hue's Rdruid

Shamans - Mindy, Billow, Giroux

Rogues - Ssone, Noxal, Movementz, Chawa, Ballmer

Paladins - Earl (The only one.)

Warriors - Bawlollin, Licholas, Sliceyall, Upinsmoke

Anyone on this list makes me want to /AFK in bgs, best of the best imo,keep it up.

Edit: Forgot Acronus, on his FC druid.

Edit:Forgot Bizr too.
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Hmmm.... offhand (so this list is probably incomplete) I'd probably say:

Hunters: Lil (<3) and Defspecter, pretty much the only hunters that I still have to earnestly run from since nerf.

Rogues: Bøm, Ballmer. Probably more but that's all I got right now.

Warlocks: Haven't seen him recently but there used to be an ally called Nineteen, always surprised me with the mad lock skillz.

Mage: (Edit) I remembered! Seerusb. Even in patches where mages have been next to useless I've seen this guy making great use of the class. Now that I've remembered I realize that a lot of ppl probably thought I meant Sharooke, who is undoubtedly a good player, but the fact is I just plain never came up against them much and I don't think they play now.

Priest: Kochi, haven't seen them around lately but they did some crazy things getting flags out of the base.

Randome on any class, and some how no matter what faction I'm on chances are he's on the other team D:

Shammies: Onkel

And of course Mirenelle. Ever since they buffed warrs I've been hoping to see her in games so she can gank my sorry butt with her warr-awesomeness.

[@ thread title. Of course I <3 all these people and definitely want to keep seeing them, hopefully in even fun matchups :3 ]
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I haven't done a BG in awhile, but some names that always stood out to me were Spooch, Lil, Mirenelle, Chelly, Ballmer, Bendandcough, Mileyvirus, and Phrontistery. There are definitely more, I just can't remember names right now.

Also, of course, all of the friends on AP who I played with and against :)

Edit: Hi Earl <3
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Mine is more the players I love not so much hate because i prefer the challenge of trying to down a really good player than anything else, and since i play horde i dont have that many experiences actually fighting them so ill just give you the people i liked to play with best


Hunters: I play a hunt so i sought the hunter dual in cata therefore a lot of my list is cata hunts
Realtalk- probably the best hunter i have or will ever see no offense to anyone else i just remember logging in on my newly made hunt back in the day seeing this name and then i was dead, almost always played objectively and did things on a hunter i didn't think were possible
Lofi- Just a really great hunt that i dont think i ever solo killed
Lil- Probably the hunt that i love to fight the most in a bg
Swiftbow- not the greatest hunt but enough to give me a run for my money and stand his ground against any class i played

Kale- As mentioned before
Heeals- before she botted her character this was a pally i dreaded fighting because i knew she would never die and could keep most of her team up while doing it

Hu- got to say probably the only lock i ever fought that could kill me routinely

Balmer- This rouge always made things interesting. Early on like all of us he wasn't that great but was tenacious and could kill many players he shouldn't have been killing based on sheer number of attempts, and willpower, but later when he got good he became one of the best rouges i have seen in this bracket
Mintay- Like Balmer before Balmer

Growly- Even playing my hunter this was one warrior that could cripple me and once i made my priest i began to fear him

Chelly- As mentioned before

There are so many that were good, and it been a while so i dont remember any names but i didnt want to leave the catagory out

Shammy & Mage
Same a priest but fewer of them


Allcapsrage- Im a little biased here because i used to premade with him and this is the same person that got me into the game as well as taught me everything i know, but one of the best hunters out there, i watched him take his boas off just for added challenges, solo return against the whole ally team, break gy camps by crossing mid then holding flag on roof till they sent 4-5 to kill him, and compete with just about any 24 on his 20 - Also plays Milyvirus as a lock, Emocow as a Pally, Angelinaholy as a priest, Ultimeat as a druid, and Kickingbird as a shammy so has expeiance on all of his classes
Humantrafficer- I know not technically a trial but he was a good player and i have a lot of respect for someone that would twink 20 instead of 24
Felix- As stated before

Agu- one of the best healers the horde ever had.
There are more but i cant think of any

Nero- Maybe the best "player" I have ever seen i only ever saw him play his priest but he was good, and i mean scary good anyone that saw him play will know what im talking about
Potatoz- A really good priest, and on par with Agu for heals

Deadvolcano- best horde mage i've seen, and back in cat made mage look playable and fun i even rolled one up and geared it just to tryout being a mage
Nevermind- Never played eu but from his vids he has to be great at this game

Saflir- Inspired me to roll not 1 but 2 different locks, can really play their character and posts great guides on how to play a lock

Tiakati- I know i spelled that really badly but, this is probably the best FC ive seen in this bracket
Bisonpower- A really good player, that plays objectively, and does great things
Bendandcough- see Bisonpower

Cant remember any specific names here but there are a lot of good ones out there

Same as shammies

Oldspike- I only know you from ICC and the one time i tried ally and you were just a monster then

Don't be offended if i didn't list you it just means i didn't remember your name or have never played with/against you .
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My list is composed of any resto druid with more than 1500 hp. It just means I'll be sitting around twiddling my thumbs until 4 stacks, whether I'm FCing against one, or trying to kill one.

Real talk, though.

Zerazsa is a manbeast. He returned flags all over the place, even in the middle of a massive turtle. FCing against him is always a little stressful.

I would never want to play against Mindy. She's got a similar style to mine, where she just doesn't die. I don't have much experience playing against her, but I can remember some 30+ minute duels.

Bend is one of the slipperiest FC's I've ever seen. Don't even think about going after him before 4 stacks apply.

Anyone on AP Horde in a 5 man premade, that thinks they're good because they can shit on a pug team. Seeing that just disappoints me.

I don't want to play against Ole. Trying to kill her would not only break my will, but also my heart. :'(

I'll have to include Sally, but I actually love playing against her. I never mind a match of DoubleProtPaladinKillSallySong Gulch. Always warms the soul.
Imho,Bendandcough,Bisonpower,Tkatii and Kibbies are like druidic deities in the pantheon of best pugging horde f2ps.Their dedication and mad jumping skills inspired me to learn Wsg jumps which later helped me to outwit many opponents including 24s.
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I'll say it this way: I would be glad to play against all those players you all just listed, since it's so utterly boring to stomp random PuGs if you're queueing with some friends, even with 2 or 3.

If I did have to make a list: anyone with an above 70% win ratio should do. If I did have to make a list tho:



But hey, that's just a list which I would be glad to play against and I still probably forgot plenty.
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Alliance players i don't like to see when i'm on my horde. (but love seeing when i'm on my ally :p)

Paladin: Reflexz
Druid: Chelly
Rogue: Mogalagh (butchered his name but he's from misha)
Hunter: Líl
Priest: Tashalah (retired)
Warlock: (honestly don't know too many ally warlocks that are memorable)
Shaman: Belivka
Mage: Danktps

Horde players i don't like to see when i'm on my alliance. (but love seeing when i'm on my horde :p)

Paladin: (to many pallys to narrow this down or think at the moment, but i'm sure there are some)
Druid: Randoome
Rogue: Movmentz
Hunter: Felix (haven't seen him in forever)
Priest: Muncy (retired i think?)
Warlock: Thugee
Shaman: Phron

I'm very loopy right now so i may have forgotten a class, if so i give my apologies. All of the people i selected were not because of personal vendettas but rather because i respect them as good players, i wouldn't say i hate seeing them in BG's because i know i'm in for a good one. But these are a few of the players that when i see in the battleground i know i'm going to need to be on my A-game. I intentionally left out any players from Blackwing Lair.
Bison is ok, but not as good as the others you mentioned, imho.

to be honest in all the games Ive seen you in Klinda was probably 2-3x time more annoying and harder to focus down(maybe because hides behind teammates)

and after playing with and against both of you
All I can say I had an awesome teammate who can heal/fc/basically do it all vs someone with an attitude/a huge ego/and couldnt lift a finger to help an friendly teammate in danger

Then again this is my opinion

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