5 People You Don't Want To See In Battlegrounds

I'll add some players that I don't want to see (but really I do because challenging is good ^_^)

Bear in mind this is in no way a complete list, so anyone not named, don't get your panties twisted.

Earl: Holy pals are a pain to kill at the best of times but this one takes the cake. Probably harder to down than any other pally I've encountered. Generally plays objectively (we won't go there...:cool:), he's an asset to the team.

Ole: I have never met such a dedicated healer. Ole strives to keep every single person alive. Objective play, heals, CC... what more could you ask for from a team member. When I see Ole on the team I know we are going to give whatever we are up against a real run for their money. When I'm on the other side I know it will be a tough fight. GGs.

Zzye: I have never encountered someone with such a single minded focus to zerg me. Ever. Zzye makes BGs challenging with simple pursuit. A capable team healer (when he wants to be!) and a pain in the keister, Zzye adds a challenge to each game when on the roster.

Bisonpower / Bendandcough / Naq
: Smushing 'em all together. Capable FCs, good team players and friendly people to be around, these 3 make every attempt to carry their team ^_^. Slippery to catch, these 3 can give an ally team a real run for their money. And if you are fortunate to have them on your team as Horde, well, good game.

Yes many are healers. Yes healers can make or break games.

Special props go out to memorable people I have encountered over the games simply due to their amazing attitude, competent (consistent!) gameplay and just plain 'ol trying. I can't be assed to write about everyone, so here goes!


If I missed you it's because I forgot your name atm :confused:, I know there is tons more.
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When I'm playing in the English EU bracket, a German team.

When I'm playing in the German bracket, another German team.

I'm not a masochist so I don't play in the NA bracket anymore.
I always get super excited when threads like this one pops up because im certain that someone must've mentioned me - nope.avi. Disappointed once again. ;D

OT; I really hate running into bad denouncespamming holydins, backpedalling huntards, mid-rogues, general FOTM'rs GY farming 24s so on and so forth.
I really love running into people who have got just a hint of skill in their game - always a pleasure to get owned by a mage/lock/another warrior/a dps specced shammy or someone else who plays an underplayed class and really knows their way around it :)
as i play a druid i'll just name the top allys that come to mind ill put multiple together because frankly i cant tell skill very well as a druid.

ally druids - chelly -my long time ballance druid nemisis since cata
ally rogues- mednax when he played and ballmer are the top names i can think of.
ally mages- watergun was a decent one i remember really dont know any ally mages though honestly
ally warrior- licholas and slice are consistently played and played well . i know licholas uses smeld like a bause
ally priest - there was one in cata but none i can remember
ally pally - earlwing , goulshine , reflexz and youngsomething were all well played.
ally shaman - mindy , yde , billow because we all have wonderfull picnics when ever we meet :D
ally warlock - shadowplague,feet, and hue despite the clicks
ally hunters- god ummm lil and i have very nice picnics too

ill throw in a horde versoin later
1. any 24 rogue
2. any 24 warrior
3. any 24 spriest
4. any 24 feral drood
5. any 24 Hpal

j/k. i love seeing 24s, so i can troll/CC/emote them to my hearts content.

really though...

1. Reflexz
2. Deftspecter
3. Gspottedt
4. Chelly
5. Ghoulshine
No one on alliance really tickles my pickle besides the occasional old ally ap f2p that decided to test out this bad expansion. He/she then log's off right after the BG. :)
i'll make sure that horde would never want to bg with me and to become one of the best pally just like the idol i admire since cata..Kale...i have still a long way to go till people acknowledge me

ppl i dont want to see in bg are:
1.24's(if there are 2-3 its fine....have a bit of challenge)
that all

i like love to bg with everyone including horde friends
No1 in especial.

I am so urged to comment on your list, but I'll leave it at that. #noflaming , kk :)

To make my own list (I know it's not 5 people, but that's too hard):


Sidhartha, Mysterios - these rogues are for EU what Ballmer and Medanx seem to be for US, they absolutely know their shit.


Moonseeker, Redundantwo - Moonseeker, only ally-hunter I've ever had respect for in cata. Red, only hunter I've ever known to completely solo FCs in MoP.


Dumrum, Reham- Dumrum, objective focussed hpaly with 1337 skillz. He may have quit as I've not seen him in a long time. Reham, only hpaly to ever make me really rage on my human rogue in cata, also, together with Nami, best arena-mate. #Protpaladinswag


Brokenbeast, Dashà - Broken, beast, nuff said. Dashà, best shaman-FC I ever knew.


Celestys, Nâmi - Celestys, whenever she was on her Spinebreaker-priest, sadly, she deleted it. (this one's the Aggramar version, but imagine what you see is a Nelf and you get the picture)
On the rare occasions that I play against Nâmi, I could crunch my laptop everytime I see her bubble. /rude


Alphasky, Bestasky, Svumpukkel - Alpha/Bestasky, same dude, same skill. Dem greenskins. Svumpukkel, #1 Chicken-slayer EU, do I really have to say more? <3


Mol, Maratian, Poledancer - Mol, he is the most genuinely nice person I know in WoW, top that cake with skill and you get him. Maratian, whatever you may think about him, he won enough games to proof his worth to stand here. /envy Poledancer/Polebearer, on either chars, whenever I play with or against that druid, I enjoy seeing that there are druids who don't just "amged, i spem rejoov 4 life". /pet niec kitay


Javo, Dhenurd - Javo, been around Aggramar just as long as I have, beat me in duels like 99.99% of the time. DHENURD, bes 'ex'lm-afker worl, he so bies u won't evun kno wot heet u. <3


Vnuz, Nevmind - Vnuz, leet maeg skeelz, and a nice person to top it off. Nevmind, AMGAD FANBOYSCREAM, Ranze - #1 nevmind-fanboy WORLD

Now, those were the special cases, also mostly people that stick to their class - I could list WAY MORE people that play incredibly well and that make F2P-WoW one of the best experiences in my young life. Except a few, these are also mainly Aggramar/Twisting Nether/Spinebreaker players as they define what I get to see in BGs and in F2Pchat - nonetheless, there are A LOT of good players out there that I didn't list, because I only saw them once or don't know what they're actually like as a person.

I also didn't list 24s as I think the very few that ARE good know they are. /tickle@Jun

Hope y'all have a great day and spread the love <3
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Dis no flaem k? Is luv <3
#1 Ranze,he es bad so much dat he is totally stronk, frostnova friendlyfire gg.
#2 Ranze bcuz he always polyz where i dpz.
#3 Ranze cuz he never afkz at LM
#4 Ranze cuz he never bragz bout LFH / MTB
#5 Last 1 is accually gud, Ranze is rank 2 sexy dedmen EU.Sadly some qt warlok took da plaec.
Dis no flaem k? Is luv <3
#1 Ranze,he es bad so much dat he is totally stronk, frostnova friendlyfire gg.
#2 Ranze bcuz he always polyz where i dpz.
#3 Ranze cuz he never afkz at LM
#4 Ranze cuz he never bragz bout LFH / MTB
#5 Last 1 is accually gud, Ranze is rank 2 sexy dedmen EU.Sadly some qt warlok took da plaec.
Richard! <3

I really like seeing the people who by this list's definition I "Don't Want To See", haha. :eek:
I just don't even want to try making a personal list because I'll surely leave someone out and regret it later. ^^

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