With two more administrators ready to help Shane out, and great staff members to give input and help handle appeals, we're testing whether offering the Ban Appeals forum section makes sense. 
Since people have been curious how it works, I am including the explanation from Shane's sticky in that section. It's only visible to banned users, who have posting access in the banned user forum only in order to contact us for an appeal.
I hope you will never need to make use of this.
All the best,
Since people have been curious how it works, I am including the explanation from Shane's sticky in that section. It's only visible to banned users, who have posting access in the banned user forum only in order to contact us for an appeal.
If you have been permanently banned from these forums and you feel you deserve a second chance to come back or have received a temporary ban and you feel the duration is too long, please post a new thread in this forum following the outline below.
Thread Title :: <username> - (Permanent/Temporary Ban)
Thread Content ::
1) Why did you think you were banned?
2) What have you learned from your ban?
3) How do you think you can contribute to this community again?
Please note that you will only be given one appeal for your account. If your appeal is granted/denied, it will be the first and last time. If you are banned again, that means that your time here at TwinkInfo is done.
Best Regards,
I hope you will never need to make use of this.
All the best,