Is a noob
What a delightful response.
Warlocks had burst? No. Warlocks were free kills that had no mobility and one easily broken CC that they'd be lucky to get off once. A few locks were under some delusion of not being free kills by being able to take out undergeared scrubs.
Panda locks got a CC and mobility buff. Everyone got a HP buff and a damage Nerf. Locks were no exception to this.
I fought against the best locks of this bracket and never lost. Ever. Period.
Name one person that ever beat me 1v1. That's right, there isn't one.
Hmm, wait a minute. I did. Or I would if you wouldn't have AFK'd right after I bursted through everything you hadName one person that ever beat me 1v1. That's right, there isn't one.
You're 100% right like 50% of the time. I'm just saying Ret's weren't 'hard' to kill. Not nearly. Not as a kiting class atleast.You and the three or four other people your tunnel visioning of me prevented you from noticing perhaps, unless you're suggesting you ever played without an escort. That would be like saying I never quit games.
Only thing you've ever got right.
Name one person that ever beat me 1v1. That's right, there isn't one.
Back in Cata, warlocks didn't even have burst at this level; most of their damage came from DoTs. Burst is a new thing for warlocks in MOP now that destructo can do alot of damage in a short amount of time.
Mages on the other hand, they did lose some important CC, in the form of improved counterspell, which made mages a huge pain for any caster or healer. Mages are free kills now. During Cat, mages were vastly superior to locks. The same can't be said now.
This is completely wrong. Warlocks used to have the third best burst, after hunters and rets.
Mages in cata had impressive burst and mobility. They had roots, 8 second interrupts & slows and polymorph that is equivalent to fear. Mage burst is instant while warlock burst has to rely on heavy dot damage (bane of doom). Basically anything that can heal gave warlocks trouble since they don't have a proper interrupt.
Yes, exactly my point. In cata, Arc Mage were probably the most OP spec/class, while Warlock were one of the wekest (all specs). Then to see @Ardiel state that "Mages were vastly better than Warlocks" is just a pure lie.
So, should I rename this thread, since the topic seems to have drastically shifted?
I was thinking "Squabbling About How Warlocks Were By People Who Didn't Play Warlocks"
"Squabbling About How Warlocks Were By People Who Didn't Play Warlocks"
was thinking "Squabbling About How Warlocks Were By People Who Didn't Play Warlocks"
Panda locks got a CC and mobility buff. Everyone got a HP buff and a damage Nerf. Locks were no exception to this.
Their "burst" *was* rather hard to get off.
As to our missing mobility/cc in cata? We made up for that by being a MOBILE class. We had three, count 'em, THREE dots that could be cast while on the run and tick decent damage while we sought the perfect position to stand still for a fear/immolate/UA. And while our burst was difficult to get off, it was very rewarding and worth its effort. The same can't be said of warlock 'burst' in mop. Taking away our mobility and (in Demo's case) replacing it with a movement spell is, in actuality, a nerf to the class theme or (in Destro's case) making us turrets without offering us a number of spells that can be cast while on the move is a nerf.My opinion of course, but I consider the CC and mobility to be superior to what you consider burst, and I consider meaningless damage.