Starting a F2P twink. What is the best horde f2p realm?

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Hello. Was on my 24 twink today, Tiffie. Scrub Pala, but anyways. I talked with this Tauren hunter named Pamlo. Nice guy, and he inspired me to just start with F2P instead. And now im asking you, what is the best F2P realm, horde side?
AP Horde is a good place.
I would recommend either going to Aerie Peak, or finding out what realm this Pamlo plays on and meeting up with him there. Aerie Peak is without a doubt the largest and most established F2P realm (spoken with no bias at all, of course!) but it might also be nice to play on a realm with someone you already know. Of course all the people on AP are awesome, and you'd get to know them, so... ah screw it, just come to Aerie Peak! :)
since Pamlo is EU i guess u are aswell unless pamlo plays US, on EU ur best choice is Aggramar.
Really just comes down to how you define "best." Some people prefer a larger base to reach out to, some people prefer a smaller group of familiar faces. If you'd like to do arenas, though, AP is the only US Horde server I'm aware of that does them consistently (or at least, they do them with the most frequency).

With that being said, I'm going to assume that by "best" you mean largest active player base, in which case I'm pretty sure AP would be the clear winner.

And as Salfir said above, Yde's post would be a good reference point, too.

Edit: Guess I was writing this while you were posting that you're EU. Don't have much knowledge of the EU servers, but I think Aggramar is probably your best bet. Damn, Salfir said everything I was gonna say...
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I think there are some people on EU Aerie Peak, so don't delete that character, but go try out how you like Aggramar, too! It's the biggest English speaking EU Horde community. :)

I play US mostly but I know from the forum that they have awesome people. :eek:
cya at the field arrowtip im vnuz/vnz i also have p2p if some item wont drop or you need to group up shout to me :)

and also welcome :D
Vnuz. Add me on your friends list. I need some information about 20 twinking. :p

if you have the add on it will do it automaticly otherwise tell me your specific toon name spelled right and i will add you tommorow after work xx
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