Those players in white gear and no do you deal with them on your team? Do you just report them away or let them stay in the bg sometimes(and most likely) hindering ur team's gameplay and/or your goals. How do the 19s deal with them?
Im not saying they dont have a right to play, it is their game they choose how they want to do it but they are essentially greifing their own team in the process...When in my group, I usually greif them back with a 15 minute debuff but is there any other solution I sometimes come back to my senses and get that feeling of guilt afterwards that I initiated that ''votekick'' and feels dictatorish sometimes...
Im not saying they dont have a right to play, it is their game they choose how they want to do it but they are essentially greifing their own team in the process...When in my group, I usually greif them back with a 15 minute debuff but is there any other solution I sometimes come back to my senses and get that feeling of guilt afterwards that I initiated that ''votekick'' and feels dictatorish sometimes...