WTS/WTT Hotshot's / Caverndeep Trudgers


Hi i want to sell :
Hotshot's pilot gloves Auchindoun Alliance
Caverndeep Trudgers The Venture Co Alliance


I have on random realms :
Assassin's Blades
Woodworking Gloves (x2 are on the same realm)
Black Widow Band
Defias Rapier (Only 1)
Talon of Vultros(Only 1)
Noble's Robe(Only 1)

And Also on Archimonde Jeweled Onyx Panther

I need cash on paypal for these Items, or i can maybe trade for SF,TSS or Gloomshroud.
Keep in mind you can xfer items for free with the Scroll of Resurrection !

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how much are you looking for, for your hotshots?
Nìck said:
leotseddap said:
Nìck said:
leotseddap said:
Nìck said:
Hi, for the moment i have a bid go 60 euros for them
I dont want to bid. I want to buy.
xD, what is your price then?
Like i said, i do not want to bid. I also can never know if you really had a bid of 60 euro or if you are toying with me (which looks/feels like it). You want to sell so set a price so i can buy and were both happy.
There is a man who made a thread saying he wantit, he asked for 60 euros seeing mine(wich is not a bad price), but you understand i have no reason to sell it to you and not to him..

This person has no intentions to sell at least the hotshot pilots. I dont even believe he has a pair. Waste of effort trying.

You could just lock this thread imao.
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?? i guess its a joke

PS : so i PM him as he ask, i tell him ppl are asking it for 60 euros i ask his price, then he say he don't wanna bid, so as quoted i ask him why i would sell it to him and not too the other buyer, and he mad, yeah i got it, if you want it you pay...


http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/2620/49112668.jpg(sorry, i had to :/), this is the dude asking for 60 euros, and yeah i will sell it, i would prefer selling it to him, what do you answer against it man?? (hmm ok dc xD)
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?? i guess its a joke

PS : so i PM him as he ask, i tell him ppl are asking it for 60 euros i ask his price, then he say he don't wanna bid, so as quoted i ask him why i would sell it to him and not too the other buyer, and he mad, yeah i got it, if you want it you pay...


http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/2620/49112668.jpg(sorry, i had to :/), this is the dude asking for 60 euros, and yeah i will sell it, i would prefer selling it to him, what do you answer against it man?? (hmm ok dc xD)

That i don't bid doesn't mean i don't want to buy. Also your English is very strange/broken like you don't understand half of it. I do not have any problem with you, all i want to is buying your hotshot pilots and i gave you the option to come up with a price for them but you clearly don't want to set a price even though i would pay a lot more then 60 euros but at this moment i don't feel like sponsering a rude person like you at all with my irl cash if it's intentional or not i still feel offended.
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Look at what your quoting , i don't even disrespect, after if i don't understand english lets talk french if you prefer

We were PMing, without any missrespect, 2 minutes after i see on my post u are accusing me of lieing etc etc...
and now im "a rude person" ?

ps : maybe in your brain you should have understood that im not english, and thats why i can't really understand you were waiting for a price, you prefered developing a theory in wich i lie i make ppl wasting their time i don't have anything im telling i have etc etc etc etc etc...
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Look at what your quoting , i don't even disrespect, after if i don't understand english lets talk french if you prefer

We were PMing, without any missrespect, 2 minutes after i see on my post u are accusing me of lieing etc etc...
and now im "a rude person" ?
You really should read our PM's again and use a EN>Fr translator or something. You litteraly said, you were not going to sell it to me nor to him. The reason for my conclusion and post.

But who cares, I'm not here to get an argument going, i was here to buy them hotshot pilots but you missed a chance to get some more from it then the guy who offered 60 euro.
-----------i have no reason to sell it to you and not to him--------
Ok in my mind it means if the bid stay 60 for both you i have no reason to sell it to YOU and not to sell it to him since it would be unfair.
Its like if i would have asked the question why would you deserve it more than him if the price is the same.
I don't see what is wrong with my sentence :/
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@leo I still suggest you to buy them since they're very rare.
I know about the rareness of these gloves but it would not have a huge inpact on my game play so i can do without and i am not a person who would resell them in any way. I would use them to finish a bis twink i play alot.

But ok i could give it another go and ill try to bring it differently then last time i guess.

Nick, what ever other people bid for these gloves i will pay more up till some certain points of course. So pm me with your price and i pay.
Hi everybody, i go to holydays tomorow for 2 weeks "4-16march) so i won't be able to sell anything during this time, im sorry :/
Feel free to pm me and don't worry i keep the name of everybody who pm'd me before,
leotseddap banned :/
Mec ça vaut minimum 100 kuss ce gants donc vend pas en dessous mec sinon c'est une carotte bien profonde que tu prend.

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