Reimplement Skirmish (8th-10th).


You must be the change you wish to see in the world.


This event is currently inactive.
₪ Reimplement Skirmish
This is it, twinks, friends, foes and trolls. This is the time where you have to show that you care. This is the time where we have to put aside our petty differences, and unite for a common cause. A cause that everyone, regardless of class, race, sex, realm or faction are for. A cause that we must present to the developers, with a united front. A cause that we must argue for, not with hate, threats and violence - but with sense, dignity and reasoning. For it is now, my brethren - that we make a last stand for Skirmish Arena.

This is a continuation of the thread Voice an Opinion (Bring back skirmish or similar). It is one last attempt at shining some light on this issue. Good luck.

Go through the subjects below and help out the best you can! Thanks!

How to submit suggestion in-game & what to submit?

¿How to submit?
1. Click the red question sign.

2. Open the "Submit Suggestion" tab.


3. Copy paste the message below. Change the personal information to fit you.


4. Click "Submit " when you're done.

¿What to submit?
We're many people that feel that the current 'wargame feature' is missing the usability that Skirmish Arena had. If the Skirmish Arena idea, to queue random arena, could be integrated into the wargames interface, it would be perfect. Something for everyone.

People across all levels, factions and realms enjoyed this.
Adding this would help the community more than so many other things, at such a relatively small cost.

Hear our voices. Acknowledge our wishes.
Replace my name with your own.

Make sure you don't submit this suggestion more than once an hour. We're trying to avoid people getting banned.

Where to create threads, and what to type?

¿Where to create my thread?
There's a variety of places you can create threads regarding this. Here's a short list of some of the biggest World of Warcraft forums that would most likely get the most views.

If a thread already exists below, please try and use that. If a thread gets closed, re-open a new (by a new user). Be try and stick to the forum guidelines to avoid being banned/closed.

¿Need to link a picture for visual effect?


¿What to type in my thread?
When typing the message, make sure you try and make it personal, with some feeling to it. What is your personal view on this? After that, if possible include a link to the Petition, and a link back to this thread at twinkinfo. Links are below:

Make sure to post in this thread, a link to your thread. I'll add it to a list of threads below that people can bump/reply to.

Where to reply to threads, and what to reply?

¿Where to reply to threads?
A list of threads will be posted below:

¿What to reply to threads?
The main reply will probably be "Bump" or "I agree". Do what ever you can to keep the threads running. Don't fight, don't trash talk, don't troll & don't argue. If someone disagrees - Ignore them.

Who to twitter bomb, and what to tweet?

Please bare in mind, that by "twitter bombing" I do not mean the same person spamming one twitter. This has to come from separate sources to try and prove a point. Have you done it once - then don't tweet that person again.

¿Who to twitter bomb

If you know anyone else that would be worthy of the list, reply to this thread with a twitter tag, and a reason / explanation.

¿What to tweet?
The message to tweet and copy paste is the following:
Hello. Please re-implement Skirmish Arena (or similar feature such as "random wargame"). We miss it. Thanks.

Keep this, and other threads bumped.

Let's see how much attention you can get in a weekend.

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Re: Voice an Opinion (Bring back skirmish or similar)

132 People promised to sign the petition. Petition has 61 supporters. I signed, did you? Step to it!
I signed the petition, submitted 17 Suggestions on 17 different accounts requesting Skirmishes back.

It's sad that one of the best feature in wow did just disappear into thin air for no reason at all.
In the Gamebreaker interview tonight with GC and Watcher they asked whether skirmishes would come back. I think their response was basically that they want to reimplement them and it's on their list of things to do, but it will be a lot of work so they aren't promising anything.
Thats the same they said after the removal when people made petitions to get it back. Nice to know that blizzard is still talking a lot of garbage -.-

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