I think rogues are the most badass and prob going to rule the bracket this 5.2 patch - buffed + x2 dancing steel is like insta death - I've been doing 2's with a priest/shaman it flip flops, anyway we normally end up killing the rogues partner but after that it's all down hill - that sap and open who ever doesn't have the hots/bubble on them is pretty much screwed.
windsong mastery for evisc >>>>>> dancing steel. Or ofc get both and zerg the universe in a garrote.
Can spam purge them shields off, so dont see the great thing with Disc priests...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH and spriest uh ... uh.. nope disc is far superior imo, I mean my disc partner alone pulls about 100k per arena and he just uses penance and holy fire it's crazy.. and all he has to do is bubble me and go hammer on the opposing team.. plus in 5.2 bubbles are getting a 40% increase, he already has a 70k bubble...
Can spam purge them shields off, so dont see the great thing with Disc priests...
Can spam purge them shields off, so dont see the great thing with Disc priests...
Inner focus anyone? We already know that shamans are the best arena healer in basically all twink brackets (save maybe holy paladins at 70).
Shamans dont need to heal that much... let the totems do the job for them... And it looks like nobody care to kill them either
Have tested against affli warlock and a riptide and a totem works fineWould you waste your time purging shields when you SHOULD be healing about 20k per second dots by a aff warlock and a constant penance damage from a disc priest - let's see how long you live.
A oneshot is needed to outdps Healing TideAnd what of your partner with a soul swap, plus imagine another 2880 haste + maybe a haste windsong proc etc etc yeah uhm totems do, do a lot and all, after the first dispell you get silenced and riptide can't keep up 2 players at once.