Lucky Fishing Hat

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STV has the same pools w/ or w/o the tourny...tastyfish are just added to the loot table during the contest
Yeah Tasties can be caught from any pool instead of there being tastyfish schools. I'm assuming Keefer will still drop?

Lol, I used to know a lad by the name of Keefer. Yeah, he didn't like what we called him in school lol and I'll give you a hint, heh, it rhymed with his name Keefer. :eek:

In all seriousness, yes, I do believe that the Fishing Hat is still in game, correct me if I'm wrong.
Still available. Fished up Keefer's Angelfish this afternoon and snagged third place as well.
have u been living under a rock
One of my friends caught 3 Kiefer's Angelfish yesterday during the tournament.

Yes, they still drop.
wtb keefers angelfish pm me
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