Pretty sure it's GF'd, I've read that the mob that used to drop it can't drop it anymore due to being non-hostile to both Horde and Alliance players.
It has been grandfathered ever since they lowered the lvl of the rare in cata
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Even if it wasn't GF'd (which it probably is, considering WoWhead has shown TSS drop once all cata/mop, and even that is probably just a bug), it would probably take years to get the belt :p Considering it's supposedly 0,03% drop chance from a rare that has a spawn timer of ~6h.

There are some TSS's still around different realms for sure, but it will cost you a good sum of gold (~20k at least), and perhaps a realm transfer too. Good luck!
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not saying it still drops but im saying the lvl diffrence shouldnt affect it.


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As far as I am aware, the way that items are determined on which level mobs they drop in is +3 -3 of the item level.

So if the ilevel of a random BoE item is 24, it means it can only drop off 21-27 mobs (hence why Shadowfang on drops off bosses only)

There are some exceptions to this, like an item that may be mob specific or something.

Another exception is sometimes the item is calculated by pre-cata ilevel. An example of this is Gloomshroud armor, it use to be ilevel 25 pre-cata meaning it can only drop off 22-28 mobs in SFK hence why its GFed. Even though its ilevel 21 now it doesn't drop.

This theory also explains why Caverndeep Trudgers and Hotshot's only drop off bosses only. Pre-cata they use to be an ilevel 32 item meaning they drop off 29-35 mobs, now they are ilevel 29 but still only drop off of bosses only.

Hope this helps you on which items drop off which mobs and reasons why a certain item may be GFed
The reason Vilerend Slicer still drops off that mob is because of what I said earlier, items are calculated with their ilevel from pre-cata.

If you look at the ilevel of Vilerend Slicer pre-cata it is ilevel 51 which would mean it can drop off of level 48-54 mobs. The rare mob is level 50 which is in the level range which is why it drops.
Asked a gm about this last week, and he said it still drops, but with a very (very very very) low drop rate off one mob.
i have it on my druid so i say its not gfd also ilvl rule doesnt exist lol

That rare is a very weird mob, instantly respawns, drops the weird fist weapon... it's as weird as stockades boss drops dropping from randoms in deadmines. The rare that dropped TSS however is a non-bugged normal world rare just like the other hundreds of mobs who don't drop items that they used to as a result of the npc's level being nerfed.
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That rare is a very weird mob, instantly respawns, drops the weird fist weapon... it's as weird as stockades boss drops dropping from randoms in deadmines. The rare that dropped TSS however is a non-bugged normal world rare just like the other hundreds of mobs who don't drop items that they used as a result of the npc's level being nerfed.

Mocha u high again what the fugck
I can with 99.99% say the TSS is grandfathered. The reason it says it can drop on wowhead is because they use datamining which is players reporting in what the mob dropped, and that most likely someone who reported it dropped as a troller. Wowhead does not get their informations from blizzard, but from players.

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