[The Defiler][30 Exalted Reputations]




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Grats! I'm currently at 29 exalted reputations and there are still a few others that are obtainable.

I have a question though, from looking at your profile, you have trained archaeology to 225. I guess this is allowed by Chinese F2P accounts?
Grats! I'm currently at 29 exalted reputations and there are still a few others that are obtainable.

I have a question though, from looking at your profile, you have trained archaeology to 225. I guess this is allowed by Chinese F2P accounts?

It seems as if multiple things are allowed by Chinese F2P accounts that are not allowed by US/EU. Such as getting to the Sha of Anger, as he stated earlier. It's interesting - I would have never expected the F2P experience to be different regionally.

I'm curious what else they are able to do that we are not and vice-versa.
Grats! I'm currently at 29 exalted reputations and there are still a few others that are obtainable.

I have a question though, from looking at your profile, you have trained archaeology to 225. I guess this is allowed by Chinese F2P accounts?
yeah I think so,Life skills 10 gold locked or Level limit,Chinese F2P can go anywhere。
Northrend,9 times champions can get Kalu'ak Exalted,I got Twice and now Kalu'ak Fishing Derby is no longer available within the game。
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